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Comment Re:I'm all for abolishing the IRS (Score 0) 349

Each person ought pay a flat percentage rate yearly for the cost of the previous year, no ifs ands or buts.

That is to say if it costs the sum of government 2 trillion total to run, and the GDP was 20 trillion, then 10% of each individuals income would go to the government to make up the 20 trillion.

Its the only fair way.

Comment Re:Just Askin' (Score 1) 367

The problem has always been that criminals will still have access to guns because the banning of desirables actually increases access via the resulting highly profitable black markets.

The only ones with such weapons will be criminals and the government, leaving the vast mass of law-abiding people defenseless.

Comment Re:de jure? (Score 1) 57

de jure - "according to law; by right"

Many say the United States has been a "de facto" power since the civil war, meaning that they are the government in fact, but also meaning that they are not the government "by right", as military force was and is used against the people to assert control.

In other words, NOT "for the people, by the people".

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