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Comment Re:Welcome to the land of the Sheeple (Score 1) 379

They will decide it for me regardless if I depend upon them or not.

There is no government of the people, for the people, by the people anymore (if there ever was.)

Hopefully we can still talk freely (unless it violates parole).

I can't tell you who to vote for, that's your decision. I'll just say vote or STFU. The party supporting election integrity isn't a bad place to start if you want to push towards empowering those of us that still believe the Government works for us.

Comment Re:Partisanship is GREAT for space policy (Score 1) 164

The beauty of Commercial Space is, it doesn't cost taxpayers anything. As a matter of fact, it does the opposite of cost, it generates jobs and tax revenue. The pragmatist in me thinks commercial space corporations need to hurry up and get big enough to graft along with big boys so they can get a place at the troughs of power, and we can get space exploration moving again.

Say what you want about the East India Trading Company, it really tied the planet together...

Comment Re:One or both lied? (Score 1) 91

Why would anyone be "baffled" by what is going on? It is not like it would be unprecedented for the chief of a government agency to outright lie about something like this. On the other hand it would not be unprecedented for the "leaker" to turn out to be lying either.

Heh, Iraq had Baghdad Bob, maybe Iran now has "Tehran Terry"?

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