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Comment Re:Blatant lie (Score 1) 125

Since the 1980s, congresspersons and staffers have been "going downtown" -- becoming lobbyistsâ"and the big draw is money.[79] The "lucrative world of K Street" means that former congresspersons with even "modest seniority" can move into jobs paying $1 million or more annually, without including bonuses for bringing in new clients.[79] The general concern of this revolving-door activity is that elected officialsâ"persons who were supposed to represent the interests of citizensâ"have instead become entangled with the big-money interests of for-profit corporations and interest groups with narrow concerns, and that public officials have been taken over by private interests.[53]

I'm sorry, what were you saying about theaters for bribery again?

Comment Re:Duh! (Score 1) 242

I don't know of any other profession, _including_ meteorologists, where being wrong in your prediction that often is acceptable.

Keep in mind, that drop that the smart guys couldn't predict, was caused by rumors. The stock market is a strange beast, and nobody understands it completely: the very act of trying to model it, changes it. At least for models with enough predictive power to make you money.

Comment Re:Wait a sec... (Score 5, Insightful) 596

People will pirate pretty much anything, as long as there are people who are willing to crack and people who are willing to download. There's nothing you can do about it.

The scale of piracy, however, is highly dependent on the quality of the pirated version compared to the original. As long as you do everything you can to make your paying customers happy, there's no reason to worry. Business models based on DRM, DLC, etc. that do nothing except annoy your players, will see a higher piracy rate simply because you made the pirated version that much more better than what you sell.

Comment Re:Depends on your definition of "marketplace" (Score 2) 290

But then, the question is loaded, and presumes that Mandriva's fall is solely due to the marketability of a Linux distro.

They are trying to sell something that's free, and adding nothing of value in the process. Of course they're going to fail.

Linux is marketable. I can wholeheartedly recommend Debian for data centers or Ubuntu as a non-gaming desktop. However, I have no idea what Mandriva is trying to be, much less why I should pay them for.

Comment Re:This would solve... (Score 1) 243

> Humans consume resources. If you're concerned about limited resources,

I don't like this tiny little box you think in. What about colonizing space? What about economic systems of the machine age where people don't have to work to live at a decent standard?

It's because of fear like yours that I don't have my flying car yet.

Comment Re:why I use Haskell (Score 1) 338

The problem with Haskell is that it forces you to solve a problem. You don't write for loop, because that's a solved problem, it's a function called "map". You don't write synchronization logic, because that's a solved problem, it's a function called "atomically".

To write Haskell, you have to get off your ass and solve your own problem. (Or reimplement an existing library, but that's hard to explain to the boss.)

Comment Re:Children (Score 2) 86

Actually, I think they are. The more people know about social engineering (or pretty much any "evil" knowledge, technique or information), the more people will realize when it's happening to them.

Remember the old saying: if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have them.

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