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Comment Re:Oracle + Niagara = expensive? (Score 1) 113

"In my experience databases don't do so well in virtual machines. Unless you use something like Xen."

OK, well that is what I recommended. If I am not mistaken VirtualBoz and Xen are both paravirtualization tools. Maybe I am mistaken, but I said something along the lines of VirtualBox. I cannot imagine why it would matter actually. Perhaps you can elaborate?

Also, I concede it might not be a great idea. I was just theowing it out there as an option.

Yeah, Virtualbox is NOT paravirtualization.

Comment Re:Debian still in the game? (Score 1) 110

Why would you want really long term support when you have no less than a year window for a free and quite easy upgrade?

The "quite easy upgrade" is often not quite as easy as you make it out to be. Why bother to do that on a box which 100% works already (and still has security patches available for years)?

Comment Re:Git and Mercurial? (Score 1) 268

> Is this it? Why is this a function of the distributed nature of the RCS?

It's not. But essentially all DVCSes have decent (to great) merge tracking, which makes this possible. It could be done with a centralized system too.

The other big benefit is pure speed. Try switching branches on a DVCS local repo a few times, and you'll realize very quickly what a difference this can make.

Comment Re:Really Unfortunate Initials (Score 1) 346

If you want to see a really fast (and consequently dumb) JIT compiler, look at .NET. That thing always JIT-compiles because it doesn't have a bytecode interpreter at all, so it had to be made really fast.

I don't know about the claim that the JIT compiles everything... but I do know that it does have an interpretter. Its quite possible to run the .Net CLR in pure interpretted mode.

Comment Re:400M Silverlight installs (Score 1) 500

The real question for any particular site is Silverlight Installed base + conversion rate; if they can get 80% of users who don't have Silverlight to isntall it, from a base of 30%, then they get 86% of their users with Silverlight.

And there's the real problem. Yes, they could get ~80% with enough work. Or they could just use Flash, do almost no work to convince customers, and settle for a mere 95+%. :)

Comment Re:Ho ho. (Score 1) 195

Why would you use Ubuntu Server? Why not just use Debian?

Because Debian drops security updates for old versions after about 3 years (variable). LTS Ubuntu server releases are supported for 5 years, every time.

Comment Re:Cheating /and/ standards-chasing (Score 1) 163

Even if you're not going this far.... the business school at Wake Forest University a few years ago suddenly became a lot more selective and shrunk the number of people it would accept.

I was once bumped from an elective for being 2 credits short of a requirement. I was told by the dean that there was no way around it. I never had another chance to take the course.

It was good for their certification compliance, but bad for me as a student (and, really, it was bad for the school as well). I came to hate these types of shenanigans.

Comment Re:Free? (Score 1) 500

McDonald's wifi isn't free. Boingo, iPass, etc all federate to Wayport in McDonalds. It is free to AT&T Internet customers, but not the populace at large.

I am amazed that in the hundreds of comments here, yours is the only post I've seen pointing that out. I wonder why they don't manage to turn it into a profit center if there really is such high usage?

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