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Comment Re:It's not difficulty, it's creativity that matte (Score 5, Interesting) 308

I can shed some insight here.
Minecraft and The Sims are not "hard" in the sense that you will fail a lot.
Merely that they are hard meaning you start the game with very little understanding in how it works, and then have to master those systems to do what you want.
As you are placing blocks, you have to deal with resource management, your own life, etc.
A game does not have to be hard to be challenging. Nor does being hard make a game challenging.

My favorite example from recent games is one called Demon Souls. Many people say it is hard, and challenging, yet It has one aspect that I love because it perfectly demonstrates the difference between the two, because it is a perfect example of something that is hard, but not a challenge.
It has what used called an arcade coin-trick. A piece of gameplay put in purely to eat your quarters and lengthen time playing, without adding an equivalent value of fun or different playstyle.

The challenging part of the game is learning each individual enemy, how they fight, how you can react, etc. You develop actual skills as the game goes on and your proficiency goes up.
The coin trick is the death and respawn limit. While you can argue it adds a sense of urgency and being careful to the game, one could have done this without such a harsh penalty (loss of all exp, plus time wasted attempting to regain it only to fail at the end). This is an example of a piece of a game that is hard, but not challenging. It is hard because it punishes failure, without adding much extra fun.

So with this in mind, you can see why minecraft and the sims can be considered challenging in that they engage the mind and thought, without being hard.

Comment Re:Hard to feel bad for them (Score 5, Insightful) 687

I'll bite the bullet and burn some karma for this one.
No, that wasn't what he meant, thanks for the ad hominem.

What he meant is that when a woman applies for, then gets a job, where almost her sole purpose is to be a sexual object and to dress sexually, in an effort to promote her body in some vague conjunction with a product, then she deserves to be treated as a sexual object.

In the same way someone who applies for, then gets a job, where her sole purpose is to defend the law, should be treated as an officer of the law.
Likewise a woman who applies for, then gets a job, where her sole purpose is "dispensing the word of god" in a safe and conservative setting, should be treated as a nun.

You pretend you can't curse when you're around nuns, you end everything with a sir around a cop, and you make comments about a woman or mans body when their jobs are only 1 piece of clothing away from being a stripper.

I'm sorry, the minute you voluntarily take a job that exploits your sexuality, you lose your right to complain when people treat you as a worker in that job. There is a line between "legitimate harassment" (i hate that that is even a valid phrase), and "illegal harassment", but lets not go pretending they're saints who deserve to never hear a foul word out of anyone mouths.

Comment Re:Revised TOS? (Score 4, Informative) 139

Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think YOU need to read up on contract law a bit.
The contract of sale is what is complete when you pay for a product, however any additional contracts, such as EULA, TOS, etc ( which is what the parent poster was talking about) are extraneous to that. In addition, they cannot just put a note saying "you agree to the contract by buying this", because that violates the contract law requirement of meeting of the minds.

Basically, if you buy a product, and then open it to find an EULA saying they get your firstborn, you can mail their legal department with an counter-proposed contract, and if they in turn reject that, they are liable for your full cost of obtaining their product originally. Either that, or you can use it and declare their EULA void and hope that it holds up in court (which has stricken down many shrinkwrap licenses in the past).

Star Wars Prequels

Submission + - Old Republic unplayable on launch date, greed or i (

Umuri writes: Bioware's long awaited MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic(release date 12-20-2011), has hit a rather rough snag, as most online retailers have announced box delivery dates anywhere from the 22nd to the 29th or even some in next year. Yet EA has gone back on it's word to allow a grace period and is saying even preorders will be shutoff on launch day. Is this a plot for them to sell more digital copies(which they proudly advertise as code delivery on the 16th)? Or is it a supply screwball where they lack enough physical copies. Either way, it's bad PR.

Comment Re:How Many Times Have You... (Score 1) 487

In terms of asking for metal instead of plastic - My car. I outright refuse to drive fiberglass POS when i have any such option. I much prefer having steel parts, steel body, steel frame protecting me and keeping everything running than the plastic replacement pos that wear out and can't drive worth a crap.
That being said, yes i rarely get to buy anything after 1998, why do you ask? :P

Also on the list - My keyboard has a metal core and actual springs, I love my model M.

Comment Jury Qualification Improvement (Score 2) 111

I like the idea, however your problem is you will always come across trolls on the internet, or people who just like screwing up systems. I would say this percentage on facebook is quite sizable, so i would propose these alterations(to be taken individually or all together or mix/match):

Assign a trustability value to each juror, that is hidden and modified in one of two ways(or both):

Have a pool of pre-existing cases(I'm sure facebook has tons of examples stored in their history banks).
In this situation facebook knows what the outcome should be according to their standards.
Have any prospective juror have a mix of "real" cases and these pre-existing cases mixed together for a trial period, say that first 20 cases they review have an unknown mix. This way they can't guess which ones are appropriate or not.

Use their verdicts on these existing cases to assign a juror a "reliability" factor on their verdicts on the non-example cases in their batch.
That way jurors who don't quite get the rules, or are causing problems, are easily weeded out and their vote counts less in the total verdict weight on their real cases.

Trustability starts at 50%, so new jurors get half votes.
whenever a juror disagrees with the majority opinion by the polar opposite choice, lower their trustability rating.
Likewise when they are in the majority and it is not a middleground, increase their trustability.

Both of these improvements will lower the odds of troll or mob mentality, even if the control a decent size of the juror pool because their individual votes will be worth less, while being invisible enough to the end-user that they won't be able to tell they aren't being effective.

Comment Really, I thought the question is... (Score 4, Insightful) 636

Why are we having exams that require a calculator?
I did all of calculus and most of linear so far(sufficiently complex equations were done to allow for matlab use, but the test stuff could be done without), and even statistics(yay longhand division!) without one just fine, and most problems can easily be done without them if the proper setup numbers are used.

Also, they are NOT crippled enough. Even when i was in middle school there were program packs to download your textbook onto your ti-83 (I had a ti-80 and i could still type the formulas by hand) so they are still too advanced to not cheat with. And don't tell me you can just wipe the memory, any sufficiently smart cheater would have a ti with a different spare battery. You can find easy DIY's for those online nowadays easy.

Allow a calculator with a 10 key, if they need to graph something, then they should be able to figure it out enough by hand and not need a calculator.

All testing with a graphing calculator does is let more students pass because they don't need to learn, they just need to throw thier notes on the calculator memory. (Yes you'd have references in real life, but the point of most math tests is it's so basic you shouldn't NEED references, it should be the core material you know by heart)

Comment Anyone else have this idea? (Score 3, Interesting) 225

I mean surely i'm not the only engineer who's joked that all they really need to do is catapult and parachute to get over the border, with no need for a parachute if they're launching hard projectiles. I mean the range on old catapults and trebuchets was quite well, and could be scaled as a simple matter of physics.

So I suppose next we might find a tunnel that is one mile down and 40 miles under the border to breach the "castle walls" of the united states?

Comment Backup to an external, sync to online. (Score 2) 680

It is well worth the $100/year to shell out for an online webspace to store your photos if you want to keep them for life.
10 gb is nothing, just setup a background process to sync and limit it's upload bandwidth, and it'll do it over a few days/weeks, no matter how big your file is.

That way even if your external dies, or gets stolen, you have that ace in the hole.

Peace of mind, especially for valuable memories, is worth the money, plus it has the added benefit of giving you a way to share photos with friends/family easily. Plus any other things you want to do with some webspace.

The reason i recommend buying a full webspace somewhere rather than dedicated backup utilities is because you can normally get more storage/cheaper, and have a little better direct control over your data, with the added convenience of access through http!

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