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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 7 declined, 1 accepted (8 total, 12.50% accepted)

User Journal

Submission + - 3AM Thoughts

WML MUNSON writes: Slashdot's system of raising the comment visibility of a users friends and a users friends friends is smart. It allows the user to be exposed to more comments that they find interesting and that may have otherwise escaped view via the standard moderation system. It further raises the comment visibility of the friends friends by half the value of the friends. This offers the Slashdot users mind to smoothly and interestingly branch off and gain insight into other peoples ideals, perspectives, and opinions. The users friends comments gain visibility plus those of the people whom those friends find interesting.

This helps expand the users knowledge and wisdom then further acts as a companion and failsafe for the standard moderation system to the benefit of all. Everyone's Slashdot experience is tailored specifically to them in order to foster higher quality discussion.


I need to stop smoking and start working out again tomorrow. I am damaging my body instead of making it healthier. I am not happy with my health and overall level of physical activity. I want to live longer.

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