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Comment Progressive refinement, not progressive JPEGs (Score 1) 91

The video narration is inaccurate. What you see there is not a progressive JPEG loading (they might be using progressive compression for the JPEG, but it doesn't matter).
What you're seeing is progressive refinement, which is a raytracing rendering technique that starts to show an image immediately and continuously adds detail (rather than rendering the image in full detail immediately). The light and dark splotches you initially see are a typical artifact of low-detail radiosity rendering.
More information here.

Comment Re:Heh.. you will find a lot of hostility (Score 1) 290

It wasn't the listing of the shared host that was the problem. It was the fact that the university's filters resolve URLs in message texts to IP addresses, and block messages based on that criterion alone, rather than merely influencing a spam score. If you get a bounced message like this, you can't even report it to an administrator on the university mail network without removing all the URLs.

Block lists are useful, but, as several people in this article's discussion pointed out, they're not accurate or granular enough to be used for deterministic blocking. And this particular usage, resolving link URLs to block messages, is illogical for many more reasons.

Comment Re:Heh.. you will find a lot of hostility (Score 1) 290

filter *URL's pointing to a PBL'd IP that are embedded in a message*!!!

My university does that, too. I run a student organization site that has a university subdomain, but is hosted on a shared host. The host inexplicably got listed in the CBL several times, and that screwed up email for the organization staff, and mailing lists for hundreds of students for days at a time.

I didn't realize anyone else used this brilliant filtering scheme.


Storm Worm Botnet "Cracked Wide Open" 301

Heise Security reports that a 'team of researchers from Bonn University and RWTH Aachen University have analysed the notorious Storm Worm botnet, and concluded it certainly isn't as invulnerable as it once seemed. Quite the reverse, for in theory it can be rapidly eliminated using software developed and at least partially disclosed by Georg Wicherski, Tillmann Werner, Felix Leder and Mark Schlösser. However it seems in practice the elimination process would fall foul of the law.'

Comment Re:My experience with Windows Hitler. (Score 1) 848

I'm not sure to what extent you're kidding, but I've seen similar occurrences going as far back as Windows XP. At fault is generally Wake-On LAN, which can be disabled through your Ethernet adapter's driver settings.

Who or what manages to broadcast wake-up packets with the right MAC address is beyond me, but disabling WOL on the card tends to stop these mysterious reanimations.

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