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Comment Re:carpool discount, possible reason for the camer (Score 1) 475

Well, the toll attendant at the toll plaza can see into my car to check that I qualify for the discount. Toll plaza already have a ton of cameras trained on your car. The transceiver camera provides an automated means to do the same thing.

I agree, its till really weird and creepy, just I think a cover would provide some balance in implementing a solution with the goal of car pool discounts. I also worry lots of people would just leave the cover open all the time. Also what is there to stop them from enforcing whatever else they feel like this way, like seat belts, etc?

An other choice might be to make each passenger carry an special ezpass transmitter, and the toll booth would count how many it detected in each car. That count could be randomly checked against photos of cars going through the tolls (something they do already) to spot cheaters.

The reality at the heart of all this is that owning a car is awful for your civil liberties, and it always has been, and that awful can creep into the rest of our lives. They need to be highly regulated so they don't kill people and all that massive infrastructure is paid for. It gives the government a huge excuse to intrude in your life that you don't get if you walk or bike everywhere.

Comment carpool discount, possible reason for the camera (Score 5, Informative) 475

In the NYC area there are many toll discount programs for call pools with ezpass. In order to get the discount, you must use a cash lane even though you have an ezpass, so an attendant can confirm you are driving with the required number of people for the discount. So you pay less, but you get stuck in traffic with all the people paying cash. If a transponder had an inward facing camera then it could provide a way of letting you use ezpass only lanes and still get the discounts.

This application makes it no less freaky. I would only ever consider it if there were some technological privacy safeguard. For instance, a built in manually operated only door over the lens. When I approach a toll, I have to slide it open to allow the picture to be taken to get my discount. After the toll, I can slide it back closed.

There are lots of people who keep their ezpass in the metal coated bag and only mount it when they are near a toll, and there are non-toll ezpass readers all over the place, with the stated goal of monitoring traffic flow. Wanting to pay tolls faster and get discounts should not mean having to submit to random and capricious tracking and a total loss of privacy when traveling.

Comment Who does that server really serve? (Score 3, Interesting) 191

All I am going to say to those of you who think "open source" does not matter is read Richard Stallman's paper "Who Does That Server Really Serve?"

Having open and honestly published API's and protocols is important and certainly better than nothing, but there are so many other reasons why access to source code is important for trust and freedom in computing.

Comment companies used to make their own parts (Score 3) 350

Remember back when companies actually owned their own factories, made their own parts, and assembled them? Computer companies too, had all sorts of factories making tons of their own components. That set up exactly the same situation but worse, because to make an equivalent part you would have to build it elsewhere, as no one was going to sell to their competitor.

This outsourcing of all production is a new thing which was brought on by globalization and the availability of cheap labor in places like China and South Korea. So Apple invests in building a factory, and gets a big amount of its output, but in the end it is not Apple's factory, and they can make contracts with others once their deal with Apple expires.

Not that I like Apple doing this, but they have really figured out how to get the best of both worlds. They get the cheap prices of globalization, and the competitive edge of controlling their own production.

Comment geek arrogance (Score 1) 949

I think this is just a facet of the also typical arrogance of geeks. Look at Steve Jobs and Apple, making really wonderful devices that work well, but force you to play by their rules. He knows better. Bill Gates and his foundation, where he feels he can take his success in business, which was rather amazing but ruthless, and apply it to social causes, by jumping in with lots of money. The Gates foundation does lots of good, but its hardly a democratic exercise. Gates knows better about how to save the world than its citizens. Mike Bloomberg is a technocrat who gets to run a whole city.

So its not so much anti-intellectualism but it is the arrogance of personal intellectual experience and achievements over any collective or institutional approach to the same. For example, "I succeeded without college, so no one needs college to be meet my criteria for success". If what has caused me wild success works for me, then it can work for anyone. Simply forge ahead with the courage of your convictions and all else be damned.

Colleges are by their very nature collegiate, a collaborative and community experience in learning, that involves not just getting information, but integrating it into yourself. The phrase "fake it till you make" it is the ultimate rejection of that approach. There is something missed when you only focus is getting ahead at the task at hand, by any means you can.

This Technorati individualist approach has produced great things, and good things. It is certainly appropriate for certain individuals who have the wherewithal to handle it and come through. Many more people fail taking the same approach. There is also the issue that success is not defined the same way for everyone. It is certainly I think it is no way to run government, or certainly every business or every career. Our successes are build on the successes of others, on the history of their work, their contributions, and their knowledge. To say you know better so you won't pay attention is a dangerous thing.

The goal of education and intellectual pursuits are to make you a better and more whole person. The goal is not to be just be a good worker, to make the most money, to have the most power. It is to improve thought and understanding. The specific nature of knowledge and learning is changing due to technology, that is inevitable, but those are just details. The purpose remains the same, and our intellectual institutions that are truly the best (not just in name) strive to advance that purpose. By abandoning that history and being arrogant towards it, we loose its benefits.

So I am sure some people will yell at me over one part or an other of this post without considering the whole thing. That always happens online. My point is, no persona can say they know better, that they can ignore some existing knowledge, experience, or opinion, because they have such certainty, even if that certainty is backed up by success or accomplishing what may be considered good. There is a bigger world than yourself, and it needs to be let in in order to obtain true and lasting success and meaning as a person on this Earth. Humble geeks can do amazing things.

Comment open desktop, closed cloud (Score 1) 511

Canonical's similarities to Apple on the desktop are rather superficial. Unity is a rather awkward copy of parts of the Mac OS X UI. I do give them a lot of credit for trying, and I think Unity is salvageable, although with some work. As much as I am tempted to go on about how Unity is not really ready for prime time, except for maybe the most basic users, I won't.

While most of the Ubuntu client side stuff is FOSS, the server side stuff specific to Ubuntu One from what I understand mostly is not. This is a big problem in the free software world right now, closed servers. You give up your data to a server without any ability to know what it is running. This denies you of the ability to verify what it is doing, to set up your own alternative servers, or use someone else's alternative server whom you may have a different trust relationship with.

There are many attempts out there trying to rectify this, from distributions like freedombox, to new architecture like unhosted, to distributed networks like diaspora. All of this stuff is kind of early on. I don't blame Cananonical for going with what they know on the server side, but I do think they could do better. It feel like the cloud stuff is all about monetization to them, and not about also pushing and promoting a different approach to technology, which is what free software is all about. In that regards they are behaving like Apple, and really like most companies tend to behave.

Its the "the successful know better than you" attitude that is really pervasive in the world right now, from computers to politics. Free software is more about a participatory democracy, with code given the consent of trust by its users, and that consent can only be given if it is informed and all have equal access. You see it in Unity too, a UI that has almost no configuration options without having to install other tools. It says "we know better than you". I am hoping that Canonical's plan here was to start with it locked down and then take the best mods from the community and work them in. Unity is at least free software, so it has the possibility of the community fixing it. The stuff running on their cloud servers is not so lucky.

I have always liked how Ubuntu "just works", giving a good balance of a lot of competing requirements, realities and philosophies to come up with a pragmatic solution to having a useful Linux with little fuss. I feel they are going in a direction where they could end up getting this balance wrong, and people may end up going elsewhere once someone fills the vacuum they leave.

Comment Re:Wasn't piracy always a part of Adobe's business (Score 1) 272

Most people, in a professional setting at least, don't really care about that (especially as it's not their money that's paying for it)...

A lot of design does not happen in a "professional setting". It is done by freelancers, and small shops, and before they are that they are students and trying to build up a portfolio. I am discussing their insistence on Adobe products, when in that situation where it is their money, and they don't have a lot of it, the no cost part of free software does matter. The freedom part of free software matters too because there is mutual respect in place.

Yes, if you are working for a big company that can afford it, then software and cost decisions don't matter to the individual employee, it all just magically appears on your desk. But these independents do need to integrate their work with the workflow of these bigger places, and that is how Adobe has everyone convinced other things are not worth their time. I can certainly appreciate the sentiment, it takes time to learn something else, and most people just want their tools to get out of the way. The free alternatives sometimes need to improve their UI to reduce the learning curve for someone coming from the Adobe world. The proof is in the work though, and if good design is created with these tools, and people know it, I think it gives a stronger reason for people to give it a 2nd look. A few cool kids can do a lot to improve the popularity of a group.

The free alternatives are not perfect or right for every project. Not having to sneak around with cracks, etc, or break the bank, I think is a strong plus.

Comment Re:Wasn't piracy always a part of Adobe's business (Score 1) 272

Exactly. Its even worse than that. Most designers are aware of Gimp, and a few know of Inkscape, but when I talk to designers, they just don't want to use them. I explain that these programs are really free as in freedom, respecting you as a person and not calling you a criminal for not paying arbitrarily high prices, and offer most of the functionality you need for most projects, especially web stuff. Still, Gimp and Inkscape won't get you hired.

Design involves workflows, and Adobe through their suites owns the workflow. There used to be a bit more competition in the design world, with Quark (which has withered) and Aldus (which Adobe bought), and Macromedia (which Adobe bought), all bringing something to the workflow. Now Adobe owns it end to end. Designers want to design, and not worry about software. And to design, someone needs to pay you, and for someone to pay you, you need to use the tools everyone else is using. So you pirate Adobe so you can work with others, and when the day comes that you are working for the sort of place that might be mindful of the BSA, or you are making the big money yourself, you finally buy a license. All that time before then was kind of like an extended "trial period" really.

Still, I do think something can be done. There is plenty of design in free and open source software projects and companies. They should whenever possible insist on use of FOSS tools, and they should make a big deal about the fact that they use them, and why they use them. I know its a niche market, but Gimp has already found some success in the rather big money niche of film. There is a huge reserve army of unemployed designers who just might be interested in the whole "free as in freedom" idea as long as it also brought a little "money as in paycheck".

Comment Re:GPL is the problem (Score 1) 1075

In a free society there will be risk. Freedom brings risk. Freedom is messy.

Apple has gone with the benevolent dictator approach to things. They built up a technology foundation on free and open software, and promoted the fact that they did, but now that that does not suit them because the meaning of freedom changed when it was realized the relationship was becoming exploitive, they decided they wanted out. I was a Mac guy from 92, but switched to Linux in 08 because no matter how benevolent they may seem, dictators by definition impose their interests and ignore mine when they are not the same.

Is it the GLPv3's fault? Just as much it as it is the rest of the world's fault that many web sites are blocked in China. That argument really turns the idea of freedom on its head, as many have indicated. When its my rights vs yours, one person does not have the right to effectively take away an other's rights.

So there's that Franklin quote which has become a cliche, but does sum this up nicely, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Comment Re:Do you want a university or a trade school? (Score 1) 583

I agree completely. I see there is a big difference between those I work with that have computer science educations and those who do not.

I have what lately seems like a rather old and quaint idea of education, that it is there to teach you how to think, its not there to make you a good worker. While good thinkers will usually be good workers, the converse is not always true. I was not particularly great at the math parts of compsci. I found these topics fascinating, but very difficult to understand completely or correctly once I got beyond calculus. These courses did stretch my mind though and give me new approached to problem solving, and in my career I have seem them touch upon a lot of the things that I do in some way.

I am a web developer, so most of my work is about integrating existing libraries to reach some visible output, and do it quickly. I could do this job well without the math, logic, systems design, etc, classes under my belt. There is more to it though that just making code that works. There are considerations of maintainability, efficiency, flexibility, and resilience that come in to play in order to anticipate the client's needs, and so deliver a better product in the end. Often internationally outsourced projects come back home because they don't get attention to those things in that environment. If we give that up in our education system, we loose the ability to innovate and really serve the needs of those we work for that has been a major strength of university graduates.

I do agree that not everyone may want to or be able to work at that level, and there should be a strong trade school system in place for those who fall at that point. I am not disparaging that. We will always need maintenance engineers, code level tech support, etc. Its sort of the difference between a mechanic, the assembly line worker, and the car designer. Not that those in the tech school system should not get any exposure to these concepts, the focus is just different there.

Lets not water down our universities in the endless pursuit of jobs. Like so many things that use jobs as an argument, it ends up being a race to the bottom. Maintaining high standards in the best way to ensure that industries are able to continue to innovate and grow.


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Comment Value accounting, and smarter employees (Score 1) 465

Lets assume that what they say is true, that open source can cause a company to spend more on learning to use software and integration. But once you spend money on that, you retain the value of that experience in your employees. You may also gain the ability to better customize a solution to your environment than relying on the priorities of your vendor. If you think in terms of cash, you have spent more money, but if you think in terms of value, that money more likely went to improve your staff instead of help someone else's profits.

I do think using open source and/or free software does demand and make smarter employees, which should be seen as good for business.

Comment And what is the purpose of the class? (Score 1) 467

Is this just a class on what Linux is and how to use it, a class on system administration, a class on operating system architecture, a little of everything?

I would say to:
- First give students a broad overview of what tools there are, GUI and command line. Let them see it is useful and what the big moving parts are. Wow them a little.
- Explain what Linux is:
      - What is free and open source software and why is that important
      - Some history behind why Linux exists, and how it got there
      - Explain why Linux and the tools on top of it are important, who and what is using it and how
      - Explain terms things like distributions, the choices available, live cds, etc
- Get technical:
      - Introduce the shell and some basic scripting
      - Explain software installation and choices
      - Explain the boot process and system configuration files
      - Do a concrete project, like set up a simple web server, starting from a clean install

I would take a look at what the typical future classes the student's might take and demonstrate how Linux lets them do the things they will be learning in depth later, giving them a broader introduction to the computer science curriculum where you are teaching. In the end, they need to see that Linux is a useful tool that gives them power and choices that Windows and Mac don't always give them, and that is something important to their future education and employment. And have some flexibility to follow the interests the students present in the class.

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