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Comment Re:How the fuck is this insightful?!?!?! (Score 1) 235

AFAIK, "Nuh-uh" means something naughty with a polar bear, in Eskimo. I suspect there is common experience involved, otherwise there wouldn't be an expression for it.

So, (provided that he's an Eskimo) the AC wins. QED.

PS. I also maintain both *nux and *bsd environments, and I fully agree with the original statement. All my mission critical stuff runs bsd.

Comment Re:I have both... (Score 1) 814

No pitchfork, you are absolutely right. The 10-year-old powermacs in the server room are no longer supported by the latest Mac OS, 10.6, and I need to start to plan for new hardware now. Grr. 10.5 will fall out of support scope in a few years, so I need to react relatively quickly.

OTOH, the Sawtooths are getting a bit long in the, er, teeth. And crusty. Maybe I'll replace them with a stack of Minis...

Comment Re:Here's why (Score 1) 814

My guess is that that PC is for the kids' games. There's stuff out there that won't run properly in Parallels.

We've got a Mac laptop for each parent and an imac for media center use, which makes us a 3-machine household with 100% mac penetration. But our 8-month-old loves this quirky peekaboo Flash game from, and I'm thinking of getting a netbook for her... which would, I guess, be classified as a "gaming PC for the kids" :)

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