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Comment Re:Get them a tablet instead (Score 2) 408

I got my mom a iMac... installed Office for Mac on it... and the support calls from her dropped to almost zero... the only problem now is that she'll somehow screw up Safari and the toolbar needs to be reset every now and then. Given her past history of screwing up a Windows machine within a year of getting it, and having 'friends' who 'help' install software that she 'needs' on it, moving to OS X was a big win, despite the initial ' this is so new' pushback that occurred for about two weeks.

Comment Re:Countries are protected markets... (Score 1) 140

Nah, its more to do with fact that broadcasters (and advertisers, etc.) fail to realize that people in one country might actually like to watch TV from another country.

So, nobody with the right controls in a country would like to allow people (consumers) watch how cheap things are in another place.

I'd posit that in 99.999% of the time, unless a consumer is living within 60 minutes of another country where stuff is cheaper, they won't bother crossing the border.

Comment Re:Free to air satellite (Score 1) 140

In theory yes... you need to be in the footprint of the satellite, and some of the operators have deliberately adjusted their footprint so it doesn't fall too heavily outside the country their targeting... so, great if you live close by, and if not, you might be lucky if you have a huge dish and a decent LNB.

Comment Re:Who Pays? (Score 1) 140

Wrong. There is an option. BBC iPlayer Global ( app for iOS is available for those outside the UK. Sure, the choice of programming is not as extensive, but its cheap(ish) and at the moment there is a summer offer so a one year sub costs EUR 49. Personally speaking I'd wish more broadcasters would open up... just because I don't live in your country I would actually like to watch your programming, and, heck, I'd even pay for it (if it wasn't too extortionate).

Comment Re:Toughen Up (Score 1) 217

If you can't handle hearing the cold, hard truth then you are in the wrong line of business. Period.

Whilst that may be true, I've found these days people are so wrapped in cotton wool, that when you tell them the truth (your idea sucks, you screwed up, etc), they just can't accept being told it...

Comment Re:Engineering (Score 2) 643

Not so much the road being designed for those speeds, but more the car being designed, and more importantly the driver being able to cope. Then again, I'm in Europe and am always amazed how Americans get freaked out when we drive at normal speeds on the motorway which to them are "super fast".

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