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Comment Re:Wacky thinking (Score 1) 430

My refusal to disbelieve stems from M theorists predicting 12 dimensions and our knowledge of the 4 we can directly observe being just pathetic. We're just not currently qualified to even speculate. Science, yo; if you can't prove something, you don't go around saying it's true.

Also, it's just prudent to not go around giving the finger to things that can lightning bolt your ass unless you're absolutely certain they don't exist.

Comment Re:a pittance in ayn rands america. (Score 1) 111

You're an idiot. No group of devs, no matter how good they were or how many were hired, ever wrote a single piece of software more complicated than Hello World without bugs in it. Paying for bug reports instead of the standard of ignoring them or prosecuting the reporter is the right way to do things.

Comment Re:Everyone creates arbitrary lines (Score 2) 628

An interesting line of thought. By that reasoning you'd expect a venn diagram of vegetarians and abortion proponents to be two separate circles in all but the earliest term abortions. Based strictly on the average political affiliation of the two groups though, I doubt this would be the case.

Comment Re:Most likely exists to prevent over-grazing.. (Score 2) 169

You know, I never liked the fried chicken or watermelon stereotypes. Who the hell doesn't like fried chicken or watermelon?

Anyway, stereotypes exist because someone observed that, on average, foo is true of a significant portion of demographic bar. They simplify decision making at the expense of some accuracy.

Like many things, there are times when stereotypes are useful and times when using them is a dick move. Recognizing that a fair majority of women like flowers and chocolate is generally fine to both use and say. Recognizing that a good percentage of pregnant women are often freaking insane is impolite to say but you'd damned well better be prepared to deal with it if you're married to one.

Recognizing that most anyone replying like you did is a self-hating lib who cares about feelings more than truth and logic, that one's just too easy.

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