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Comment Re:CONSUMERS will burden the costs of the system (Score 1) 342

Do you realize that the ISP's think you are a bad customer?

Those who download copyrighted content use a greater amount of bandwidth compared to the average user. They would rather you go and clog up their competitors network.

Maybe you're right, but I pay a premium for my bandwidth. Pro plan, plus bandwidth overage. When the early adopters leave, The "lite" plan isn't going to pay their bills

Comment Re:Goldilocks != "Habitable" (Score 1) 451

It's a pretty loose definition of "habitable" to include only "You probably won't burst immediately into flame or turn into an instant icecube upon stepping off the ship." Methinks it might also be good to include little things like "oxygen," "survivable air pressure," "water," "soil that can support some form of planet life," "enough atmosphere to protect against cosmic radiation," etc.

Ahh, potentially habitable to something, not nearly as exciting as habitable by humans. wake me when they find lifeforms

Comment Re:How is this any different than my alarm clock? (Score 1) 249

It is your mother if the manufacturer programmed it to go off every day at 7.00, even if you don't have school/work.

Your alarm clock goes off because YOU instructed it to. Not because someone else is enforcing their habits and/or rules on you.

"enforcing their rules on you", perhaps a better word than "mother" would be "annoying".
eg. This new technology is "annoying".
Alternatively, you could call it technology that prevents you from doing what you want to do

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