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Comment The problem isnt.. (Score 1) 622

The problem isn't that nobody is willing to do the work, the problem is that people are not ALLOWED to do the work. Or worse, people who don't know as much as they think they do have the power to stop others by not allowing check ins that would fix problems. The upper tier of the dev team is full of themselves; They don't want to listen to others because they want to do things "their way" even when others have shown this to be incorrect. And they REFUSE to educate themselves, the PHP core dev team is like people from the deep south or something.

Comment Re:Participant Psychosis? (Score 1) 540

You are wrong. I am not legally insane, but I would love to go to mars. As for kids, sure, let me donate to a sperm back I hold all rights to, give me a willing female PHD on mars as a backup, and we are good. I will be the first guy on mars, women will be begging to use my seed here on earth - thats why i would leave a supply behind - and the money can be spent on things I care about here on earth while my kids would eb well taken care of, so its win-win. As for kids on mars, sure, but its something you have to really plan for due to the hostile conditions. I wouldn't be surprised if the first trip is all of the same gender to not create issues. You are the one with mental problems; why would you have such a low self esteem that you cared about the world you left behind? Better to think of the future and all the great things you could explore OUT THERE.

Comment Re:THEN YOU DO IT MISTER HIGH AND MIGHTY !! (Score 2, Interesting) 663

The problem is simple: You are asking me to code something I could get paid a LOT of money to work on, for free with nothing gained from the time and effort spent away from my family... outside of my work. People like myself who could be doing this sort of work exist and we are freely available at a good market rate, but we would rather be making money than donating our time and effort to something we do not see as practical, efficient, or worthwhile. Open source is great for simple things, or if somebody is just learning, or if you are really skilled, really bored, and motivated by your education (Like Linux itself was started on as a school project, right?).. but if you are like most people working on something that technical for no money is a waste of time and energy as the people who can make it career already have, and I for one do not want to be the guy who pressures somebody else that I respect to step aside so I can be "them" in the OSS community. I respect the upper tier of open source - the Linus's, Alan's, etc, of the world - too much to be that much of a jerk. Its also not practical. Worse, as things advance the driver will be surpassed or just not work on a chipset.. and then you will have people like Linus belittling the effort you made into it. Nobody wants to be belittled for working on something nobody else wants or has the skills to do. Or you could just get sued for violating an nda, or if you didn't, for researching things and learning its secrets on your own. If you are not going to make yourself a target, why should you expect others to? I love open source; But its reasons like this that it has so many gaps and parts of it outright sucks.

Comment What about the GPL? (Score 1) 203

You guys are all forgetting that the gpl is in play and TFA is crap. The only reason google has been able to hold off on source as long as it has on some versions of android is because most open source people dont have the balls to hold them accountable and force the issue. But that does not magically mean there is no GPL or that they do not have that legal obligation. Motorola would ALSO have this obligation, they CANT close source android because its just Linux with some patches.

Comment Re:Got IE? (Score 1) 43

I have karma to burn and I was going to moderate this thread, but I think its more important that I comment.

I'm legally blind. I use JAWS and other software to hear the internet when the little vision I have in one eye goes south; And let me tell you this; Nobody cares about the blind when it comes to computers.

We are a small market segment because most blind people cant afford technology, and even worse because we are small companies feel like they can get away with screwing us over because they know that not only do we not have the money statistically to buy their products, but we also don't have the money statistically to hire a lawyer and sue. So they do it knowing full well that the ADA applies, they just dont care and know they can get away with it.

I'm lucky. I have worked as a programmer for over 15 years and I have worked in fortune 100 companies on products that most people use daily; I have technical skills and thankfully my income while not as much as somebody who is sighted - my disability is often used as an excuse to not pay me correctly - I still get paid a lot better than most of the blind people I have know. You sighties don't know how good you have it. Worse, most of you sighties (sighted people) don't give a crap about the blind yourselves, despite all the hollabaloo you make publicly.

Your comments like most who are sighted, are non-consecutive and do little to help. Why don't you get off your butt and show how elite and skilled you are by solving the problem and doing some good in the world instead of putting down the best solution found? Or at least help gear up somebody who actually cares about the problem, like I did when I worked with OLPC so many years ago to help them use the correct device for the audio system so flite and other blind access tools actually worked?

Better yet, why don't you start making patches to firefox and all the other browsers that are open source to make them easier to use for the blind, since right now Internet Explorer, for all of its faults, has accessibility hooks built in? Oh I forgot, you are too good to actually write code and solve problems, its much easier for you to act like you care and then go off and not actually help, becouse its easier to waste away teh fact that you can see and so you can do things and help in ways the blind cant to help themselves, no matter how hard we try.. my bad.

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