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Comment Re:IE8 performs awesome, as usual (Score 4, Interesting) 246

I think what info we've released publicly with IE9 is promising. New and vastly improved javascript engine, hardware accelerated rendering, lots of new standards support (and we're highly active in ECMAScript v5 and joined the SVG working group). Oh, and did I mention, we now do rounded borders?!

Comment Re:Bing is pretty good (Score 1) 406

I've found that bing is useful in specific circumstances. For example, try searching for a restaurant in Bing. I find the interface much better, and the conglomeration of reviews to be far more helpful and interesting. This goes for most product searches as well. Bing maps also has a cool feature where you can get directions based on current traffic conditions. Handy for when you want to get someplace when the city is gridlocked in rush hour.

Searching for programming related questions, though, it's next to worthless for some reason.

Comment DenyHosts will not save you; disable passwords (Score 4, Interesting) 102

This is a distributed effort, and any one host will not hit your machine more than once. You could configure it to block entire country's subnets, but that's still only marginal protection.

What you want to do is disable username/password authentication on your ssh hosts. This is one of the first things I do. Set up your machine's public and private key, copy your public key to all your other machine's authorized_keys file, and edit your sshd config and add the line "PasswordAuthentication no". Now, broken crypto libraries aside, you will be safe from this sort of attack.

Comment Re:Does anyone else long for the days... (Score 2, Insightful) 206

Why? Because the web is about much more than sending words and bytes back and forth. It's about communication, of which there are many forms. Wanting to use a certain font to convey a certain message is valid. And of course you will always have the choice of whether or not you want to display those fonts, just like you can choose to disable javascript, images, and css if you really want to. And the choice of whether or not you want to visit sites that wish to exercise greater creative control over their medium will always be yours as well.

I don't understand the objects to this all over Slashdot. Do you really want to be staring at Verdana, Arial, and Times New Roman for the next 100 years?

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And it should be the law: If you use the word `paradigm' without knowing what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail. No exceptions. -- David Jones
