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Comment Managed code to become irrelevant? (Score 1) 351

This may not matter. If the litigious bastards at Oracle have their way, future Android builds will migrate to "all native code" just like on the iPhone and other non-vm based devices. They'll just sadly set aside Dalvik and declare ARM to be the official ISA of Android phones, or do some crazy thing where applications are compiled (perhaps in the cloud?) before installation to a device. I don't see C#/CLR/Mono becoming part of the Android stack, not now, not ever. Google wouldn't abandon one third-party managed code environment only to embrace another. Perhaps what Google should do is settle the case: "We will pay you a royalty for every Android if you make Microsoft go away."

Comment Simple solution (Score 1) 402

Simple solution: get a modest size rack and snuggle it *sideways* to the wall. It's not quite as obtrusive that way because it doesn't go as far into the room, and then you get access to both the front and the back. In my basement I have a rack sideways on the wall and a desk in the corner behind it. That corner also happens to be where cables from the rest of the house come in, and the service cables arrive there as well (fiber to the home ftw!). Instant geek cave.

Comment smell-o-vision (Score 1) 231

If we had smell-o-vision then the smell I would want is the smell of a data center full of lineprinters. You knew when you were in that kind of facility the moment you walked in. Ah, the 1980's and Real Computers... *sigh*

Comment Caffeine-free is better than decaffeinated (Score 1) 312

The reason decaf tastes like crap is because of the decaffeination process. It removes most of the caffeine but the side effect is that it also removes some of the flavor compounds. There is good decaf out there, but it's very expensive because you have to start with ultra-premium beans to make up for the flavor lost from decaffeination.

If the beans are grown to not have caffeine in them in the first place, hopefully the flavor is there to begin with, and with no decaffeination process necessary, there will be some flavor.

Let's hope Monsanto doesn't get a hold of this and taint the world's supply of coffee beans with their imaginary intellectual property.

Comment Re:Still don't want one (Score 2) 989

it might surprise you to discover that the world managed to create a great many things before keyboards were ever invented. It's hardly a requirement for creativity, and in many tasks is even a hindrance.

May I remind you that Scotty wasn't able to input the formula for transparent aluminum until he was offered a keyboard. Do you really want to own a computing device on which transparent aluminum cannot be created?

Comment Re:Adverse Events (Score 1) 160

Well that's easy enough to fix; just put a firewall on it. All outbound control signals to the artificial limb (or whatever) are allowed. Inbound receptor signals are filtered and the ones that go "pain" are blocked at the firewall, just like the spam and malware from a virus-laden Windows box.

Comment G+ will take over automatically. (Score 1) 310

G+ will take over automatically. Just give it time. We will soon see a generation of kids who wouldn't be caught dead on the same social network as their parents. Social networks have a finite lifespan and Facebook's is just about over, at least for the demographics who matter. Zuck knows this and that's why he's cashing out with an IPO while it's still worth something. In the not too distant future, Facebook will be for "old people" just like email is perceived to be now.

Comment Re:evil and EVIL (Score 4, Informative) 310

Good for you. Facebook is the new evil empire and should be treated as such. Blocking their IP ranges is good, but if you're on a network shared with Facebook users you might also try the Facebook Blocker browser extension, which does the same thing -- it keeps Facebook from tracking you through all of those "like" buttons that appear all over the place.

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