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Comment Re:In every train station? LOL (Score 0, Flamebait) 890

A truly erroneous hard-left outlook, but stupidity is fitting given your account name. ... The primary driver of jihad is the desire to subjugate the entire world to the dictates of Islamic dictatorship.

Such busllshit. Apparently all you inbred mouth-breathing teabagging fascists are as dumb as Republicans. (How do you like them ad hominems?)

Do you actually know any radical muslims? (Any muslims?) Have you talked to a suicide bomber? The plain fact is that the vast majority of humans -- muslims, christians, or atheists -- really don't give a shit about subjugating worlds and craps like that, they just want to live their lives and raise their families. To get populations riled up to violence you have to invade their country and attack their families and communities. You know, like those 19 Saudi guys on that date that all you wackos fetishize. And like what we're doing right now in so many places around the world.

Comment Re:Droning people out (Score 1) 141

For photos, it might make sense to use drones when they can get closer without attracting attention.

Never going to happen. The fundamental principle in the US National Airspace System is "see and avoid". If you're not actually in a cloud, you are responsible for avoiding other aircraft. If there's no pilot in the aircraft, it can't avoid others. (Remember that some aircraft do not even have electrical systems, let alone fancy shit like radios and transponders.)

The military can fly unmanned aircraft, but (supposedly) only in airspace that excludes non-participating aircraft.

Comment Re:Hi-res airport imagary too (Score 1) 141

Something tells me they had to get SOME kind of special permission for this:

Why do you think so? Right now you can go to your neighborhood airport and hire an aircraft and pilot for around $500 an hour, and take as many airport pictures as you like. Yes, even military airports and installations.

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 457

You may be right about congress, but in this case we're not talking about laws but regulations. Regulations are enacted by agencies, and Congress passes appropriate laws so the agencies regulations have some teeth.

In the present case: the aviation regulations -- the FARs -- are all about exactly how things are done. Try reading an airline's Ops Spec sometime -- it spells out exactly what is to be done and how, for all operations conducted by the airline. The FAA specs on navigational beacons lay out everything about the system, not just what but how. This ensures that all users of the ATC system have the same view of reality.

So of course ATC (not "tower") cares about exactly how the information is sent from an aircraft to the system. ATC does in general care about what kind of nav system you're getting your info from, since the different systems have different error characteristics. (Also, this is an automated system, we're not talking about pilot reports.) All the information required for a company to implement the components of the system -- like the airborne transmitter -- is fully specified.

Radar doesn't require an active participant on the other end.

Not true. You're thinking of what's called "primary" radar, where the target reflects the transmitter's signal. The problem with primary radar is that range falls off as the inverse fourth power of signal strength -- inverse-square loss on the way to the target and another inverse-square from the target. That's why most ATC radar is "secondary" -- there is a specialized transmitter on the airplane (called a transponder) that the radar system interrogates, and the aircraft replies with its ID, altitude, and a couple of other things. Since it's an active system, it's ordinary inverse-square falloff, and it provides more information. (If you look carefully at airport radar installations, you'll notice that there are two antennas spinning together, one above the other. The "secondary" antenna is usually on top and flat; the primary is on the bottom and is usually paraboloid.

Today, in the US, primary radar is almost never used; most controllers configure their screens to not show "primary only" targets.

Comment Re:Absurd! (Score 1) 238

There really is no sound business model for making software of this caliber unless ...

If there is a conflict between a company's business model and ethics, it should mean that the company folds or changes its plan. (But the capitalist way is to convince people that ethics are outdated and then carry on.)

Comment Re:Yes, it's dying (Score 4, Insightful) 411

Honestly, unless you're a DJ, it's pretty unlikely that you have any audio that doesn't exist as something digital (MP3, AAC, WAV, etc.)

Well, you know, there are still a couple of people around that play musical instruments (you know, those expensive things you don't have to plug in), and we sometimes like to record the sounds that we make. And others sometimes go to listen to people playing these instrument things, and they sometimes like to record the sounds. Craziness!

Comment Re:Once again (Score 3, Insightful) 313

It's not quite 'blind' trust, though. It is reasonable trust, because we've seen that in the past, the methods and models those guys talked about have actually been verified. They invented electronic things that have had a profound effect on humanity. History tells us modern medicine has improved human health immensely (if you're rich enough, of course). And I (an ex-researcher) do know how the scientific method works and what its limitations are. Therefore my "belief" in science is reasonable.

The best part is that it works for you even if you don't believe in it -- so creationists can still enjoy the fruits of science. Science is better.

Comment Re:Priorities are a function of Probabilities (Score 1) 114

And what exactly do you suppose we puny humans can do about that "huge locomotive with blaring sirens that's about to hit [us]"? We can neither deflect the "locomotive" (your "dinosaur killer"), nor can we get out of the way (move the whole planet).

Not like there's anything we can do about preventing earthquakes either.

But even if we had the ability, do we have the wherewithal to actually do anything about either asteroids or earthquakes? We're demonstrating how good we are about ignoring the future and playing ostrich, just look at the prospects for our petroleum-happy way of life.

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