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Comment Re:A little late (Score 1) 180

It wont' happen if you use a couple of switches and some relays for the wipers instead, and mechanics for the wheel/accel/brake etc....a lot cheaper too.

But then you can't have a smart car with a moisture sensor and rain detector to automagically turn the wipers on for you. Although, I have gotten spoiled by not having to remember to turn on/off the headlights. Same deal for interior lights, - you could go with the old school mechanical switches but it is nice to have them turn on at the appropriate times and turn them selves off if your toddler left the light on and you didn't notice.

Brakes and steering are still mechanical, btw.

Comment Re:Shared networking with user services? (Score 2) 180

There are multiple busses in vehicles already, separated by function. Engine controls are usually on a higher speed can bus, stuff like the speedo and body (lights, doors, etc) on a low speed can bus. I can see adding a third bus for entertainment type stuff such as the radio sat nav, wireless hotspot etc.

Comment Re:Can see how own network, messaging is being use (Score 3, Informative) 207

We had an email go out saying that people were using Bittorrent from home over the VPN and to please stop since it's illegal and taking up bandwidth.

You guys need better network admins. Proper firewalling and proxying should block traffic like that.

Also, I shudder to think of the potential mess caused by allowing personal laptops to VPN in the first place.

Comment Re:Informative discussion thread (Score 1) 140

There are finally affordable real Windows (8.1) tablets out. I just got a Dell Venue 8 Pro for $300 at Walmart.

Meh, it's a low end netbook without a keyboard. I'm still waiting for anyone besides Apple to produce something with decent resolution. 1280x800 is a bit low in an 8" tablet for trying to do MS Office (which also sucks if you don't have a mouse and keyboard. But still it's an affordable option if you don't want the limitations of Android, can't afford an iPad mini, and don't mind crappy windows 8.

Comment Re:How can drivers protect themselves.... (Score 1) 664

Also although the article does a decent job of showing that a stack overflow is possible and might result in unexpected behavior, what's needed is a simulated failure scenario to see if that's what actually happens.

That's what he did. He showed several methods where a key task could get corrupted and killed, why it wouldn't be detected, and the results of that death. He also deliberately killed the tasks and demonstrated that it results in a loss of control of throttle.

Comment Re: Um.. Please Explain (Score 1) 573

So you're going to blame jQuery for trying to standardize the non-consistent implementations of a standardized API? Sounds like you're the kludge. Get over yourself.

Certainly this extra layer of isn't needed when the API is going to be consistent across all of the Viera Connect devices right? Perhaps there is already an existing Panasonic written API that should be used?

Comment Re:Its the new ... (Score 1) 342

Net deficit spending is a net savings to the private sector.

Why do you keep repeating this bullcrap? The US deficient spending is funded by uncontrolled borrowing from foreign countries. It's sending US dollars out of the country not into our private sector. In laymans terms, you're basically saying that going on a spending spree and running up your credit cards is an acceptable way to preserve your savings account.

Comment Re:BS (Score 1) 342

Also, it is a fallacy to think that taxes fund expenditures at the Federal level, since the federal government has a fiat currency, It can always pay its debts, not withstanding the limits of inflation).

True, but doing so will drive down the value of the dollar to the point of collapsing it's economy. This US citizens will enjoy discovering their dollar is worth half of what it was? Of course, it's already worth 1/3 of it's previous value in the world economy. Devalue the dollar much more in the world economy and it will stop being the prevailing currency used to trade important things like oil.

Comment Re:Cheating in schools too (Score 1) 313

With all of the organized cheating that happens in american schools too (and to move up the ranks in out businesses), I'm not surprised. Cheating is as american as apple pie.

That's probably the best comparison so far. With No-Child-Left-Behind (aka - no kids gets ahead), the schools had financial incentive to pass kids who would not have otherwise passed and teachers were directly penalized for failing kids. The predictable result was teachers helping kids cheat on the tests and fudging scores. In this case, the wing commander knew cheating was rampant but didn't intervene because they didn't want the wing to look bad.

What's next, the fact that the answers to the Postal exam are available on the internet?

Comment Re:Why is this on Slashdot? (Score 1) 315

Last time I checked, Russia's continual asylum was conditional on not releasing more information,

Easy for him to live up to since he gave the entire trove to Greenwald, et al. Snowden hasn't released anything since, because he doesn't have anything left. Same reason all the talk about the FSB getting access to the files is also baseless speculation.

I would be naive to assume that Greenwald has the only electronic copy of these documents. The speculation is Snowden could have stashed them in other safe places, to which he would have access. I almost guarantee the govt has done an automated search of the popular cloud sharing sites for keywords. The recent rumors that he planned this ahead of time with Russia is most likely wild speculation by an irresponsible congress critter. If the US knew that as fact, they wouldn't have told us.

Comment Re:more than books (Score 1) 231

I think an underrated component of libraries is the librarians. I think I'm imagining a modern library as more than just a place for the public to connect to information. It's a place where the public can go to learn about something and get help in finding the information. Sometimes having access to the internet just isn't enough. You need to find a *person* who has specific expertise.

Librarians are becoming irrelevant just as hard copy books are. If you have internet access, Google is a far more valuable resource than a Librarian even if they are the master of their domain and know every single book in the building.

Comment Re:Can update (Score 1) 77

Many devices can update to Cyanogenmod. Mine has Android 4.2.2 as Cyanogenmod 11,without Google apps, so maybe NSA & Google access to mine is minimal.

The list of Cyanogenmod supported devices is small compared to the wide variety of devices out there. The point about support of older devices still stands as even Cyanogen is dropping support for moderately old devices because they'd prefer to focus on supporting emerging devices.

Comment Re:Over a decade (Score 1) 246

Or you can look at it in another way: "They fixed a bug on a 12 year old OS?! Awesome!"

As I understand it, the fix was done on the Windows Update server and wasn't actually an OS bug They cleaning up and deprecated a slew of superseded patches (mostly IE) so the OS wasn't checking for ancient, irrelevant patches. The article and people keep referencing the svchost process because the windows update service normally runs under svchost process instead of standalone (although it's trivial to configure it to do so).

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