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Comment Re:Here's why (Score 1) 190

Pardon me, but this is public data. The internet is public. Anything posted on the public internet is public. So *my* follow-on question is, Why does everyone thinks it's OK to bitch about things they have posted in the most public forum in human history becoming...well, public? How can this be considered spying? If you write something on your blog or in a comment on someone else's blog or on twitter or on youtube or *wherever on the internet* it *will* be public - can we please move past thinking otherwise?

Comment Re:Actually, you're a good example of that. (Score 1) 1255

Sorry khasim, you seem like a reasonable fellow, but you've posted this so many times as if it is somehow the nail in the coffin of the argument that I think it deserves a response. Flatly, your statistics are complete bullshit.

First of all, the percentage of females in the FOSS community is completely irrelevant. If you get a group of dudes together in a room to talk shit about women, the fact that the percentage of women in the group is 0.00000% has no bearing on whether or not the group has sexist tendencies. The amount of sexism you are "allowed" in a group is not somehow proportional to the percentage of women in that group. I don't know what else to say about it than to reiterate that it is a completely irrelevant point.

The second part of your point is better - namely, you say that only 0.1% (totally made up number, but whatever) of the comments are sexist, and that's pretty good. I agree, if you're right that 0.1% of all FOSS related commentary is sexist, that is really pretty good, and while it's probably impossible to get the numbers to back it up, I'd say it's better than the population at large. However, this isn't a victory for the FOSS community, it's a defeat for the population at large. Being less bad than average does not make you good. We should strive for 0%, we should strive for 100% acceptance of all the various backgrounds of the members of our community. 99.9% is good, but it's not *that* good.

That's the REAL problem we'd like to solve. We'd like to do much better.

Comment Re:lo, you have defeated me (Score 3, Insightful) 256

Sorry son, it is you who have been defeated by your own ignorance and closed-mindedness. You threw out one (dumb, totally invalid and irrelevant) analogy, somebody came back with a very proper analogy to something actually *related* to magnetism, and you shrugged it off as him not understanding magnetism. In fact, your narrow understanding of magnetism with your little coin analogy has been a convenient way to understand the concept for many years...until today. That's the point. Scientists have been researching monopoles for a long time, quite simply because the coin analogy never quite added up - there was no good reason why they *always* came as dipoles, besides that monopoles had never been observed. Now they have been, everything you know about magnets will probably be wrong once more data is gathered, and you will either have to take the scientists' word for it, or you will have continue using inaccurate mental models to make sense out of it for yourself.

Comment Re:Well, that explains a lot (Score 1) 442

You can't say that games like NHL, Madden, MLB The Show aren't quality games.

Watch this - Games like NHL, Madden, and MLB The Show aren't quality games. I did it! You said I couldn't and yet I did! It wasn't even that hard. Furthermore, I didn't even have to lie - those games suck, they are derivative, mindless, and boring. Plus, making the same game every year with slightly better graphics and an updated roster is brutally unimpressive. Why do the graphics even matter in sports games? You could see plenty enough detail to know what was going on in Tecmo Bowl for NES, let alone Madden around 98. All these enhancements are just icing, except even less filling.

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