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Comment Re: FPV (Score 4, Interesting) 358

The HAM license is required for legal use of the FPV 1280 MHz video links and frequency hopping UHF control systems on the ARS 433 MHz bands in the US. They transmit at powers of 500 mW ~ 1000 mW which allows control ranges greater then 10 miles line of sight.

Warning: FPV is not a cheap or easy hobby! It requires a great deal of electrical, mechanical, engineering, radio, and flying skills to be successful.
The RCG FPV Forum is good place to learn more.

Comment Re:And in the US (Score 2) 815

I also like horseradish with a bit of barbecue sauce swirled in for sweetness with my fries. You should try dressing the Ketchup up with some real flavor like you do with the pizza.

Cumin and cinnamon, in close to equal amounts to taste, are the cure for plain ketchup. Discovered and reversed engineered from a pub that served "spicy ketchup" with a basket of fries.

Comment Re:What are they going to do? (Score 1) 1217

there are only a few ways to re-image a MacBook, and none are fast enough

We use network asr reimaging for all our macs. During the summer we turn our networks into the equivalent of radio stations, multicast broadcasting the new images for the year over all the switches. We publish a command to the machines to switch to the network for boot to kick the process off. We can reimage all 3000 student cart macbooks and all 1500 labs imacs in under a week. The work part of the process is getting the laptops out of the carts and hooked up to power and ethernet and putting them back in once they complete. During the year we switch to imaging using netboot with afp images delivered unicast over gig links for one off repairs. We use the same unicast netboot tech for our windows units so we can be more selective of which image goes with which hardware. Windows is a real pain compared to the universal osx images we deploy.

Comment Re:Look Around You, Look Around You, Look Around Y (Score 1) 405

The actual policy is you can do whatever the heck you want as long as you get your job done. But if you pissed someone off enough that they want to fire you they will look at your internet history as a justification.

That is so true. And even if your internet history is spotless, they will keeping digging till they find a reason to fire you.

Comment Re:They don't care about the problems today. (Score 1) 430

I know it doesn't matter to them, but I was really looking forward to AC2. I just got back from a trip to Italy and was enamored with the game's setting. I was all ready to pull the trigger on AC2 the moment it was offered. Hell I was also on a Steam binge in which I bought many games I still haven't played, and even some old ones I have no intention of playing in a fit of consumerism. But once I found out it was going to have online only DRM I was very disappointed and decide not to buy. I have a few games in my collection that are limited activations DRM that I am not too happy about but still bought them, but this new limit was just a bridge too far for me. I play most of my single player games offline in places with no internet connect. If I have an internet connection I tend to playing something multiplayer or just read on the web. When people like me who want their game, take pride in their legit game collection, are completely turned off by the delivery of a product, they have truly screwed up and lost the good faith of their customers. Ubisoft turned the potential buyer of one of their games into someone who will never buy any of their games. Snatching defeat from the mouth of victory.

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