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Comment The dead are lucky (Score -1) 322

These fast food places like Tim Hortons and McDonalds commission special hate-crime music designed to chase homeless people from their establishment. There's even a radio network (galaxy) that selects the most piercing and effective music to move the homeless out. The establishments buy up copies of these hate-crime songs to make them seem like legitimate hits. Some particularly shrieking songs have been played twenty times a day for years in their lobbies.

Comment Herring (Score 0) 499

The pharma guys have decided to throw oxyContin under the bus so they can still make money on birth control pills. These pills change the choice women make in mating partners so they are not mating with men whose immune systems are different from theirs. This leads to offspring with compromised immune systems and if it became the norm would endanger the species. To counter this nature makes a small percentage of the offspring effectively sterile i.e. homosexual.

Comment Homosexuality (Score 0) 451

The use of oral contraceptives changes the choices the female makes in a mate. Instead of selecting a mate with a different immune system to pass on to their progeny (two immune systems), the female picks a male whose immune system is similar to hers, just as she would do if she were pregnant, which the pill mimics to her body. If this behavior were the norm, our species would not be able to evolve to counter the pathogens which are evolving to overwhelm our immune system. To counter this, nature makes a small percentage of the progeny of such misbehavior effectively sterile, i.e. homosexual, protecting our species.

Comment Creationist's problem (Score 0) 1108

All religions do eugenics. They control the sex life and breeding of their adherents to produce a populace that is submissive and loyal to their eugenic breeders, the religious administration. This is a crime against humanity which should result in incarceration of all the religious eugenicists (including the godless religion of political correctness, administered by your politicians.) In order to protect themselves from prosecution, the religious and political eugenicists must legislate that evolution is false and therefore eugenics is impossible.

Comment Back Street (Score 1) 413

The music and other content put out by the content producers is almost all garbage which no one would choose to buy if they were to see or hear it first. That's why they want to stop copies that you can try for free. They know you won't buy it if you know how bad it is. Only by controlling the market and internet can they sell their product to people who are only allowed to know of it by advertising. They are selling counterfeit art as if it has value for real money which they refuse to refund when you realize you have been fooled. Most houses have drawers full of lousy product they bought because they weren't allowed to use it before they paid for it. The industry should be forced to accept all returns for a full refund. Then they would have to produce real product instead of the counterfeit stuff they flog now.

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