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Comment Re:Does RSA store usernames and pins? (Score 1) 138

Exactly. Even if the seed files for the token were stolen, RSA still has no information about what seed file information was associated with what user! A company like Lockheed Martin could have tens of thousands of Securid tokens. The permutations for users to tokens to guessing PINs is still astronomical unless an insider was involved that had access to the securid database.

Comment Re:Shouldn't governments impose balance? (Score 0, Troll) 305

Capitalism naturally weeds out situations that are unsatisfactory to the consumer. If you don't like your ISP with its two-tier Internet approach, use another. If there are no other options, assuming there is no government-imposed monopoly in place, then petition companies to start offering service in your area. If enough people get pissed off with poor service then other companies will jump at the chance to fill the void.

Comment Re:Opposite Experience with Adobe Download (Score 1) 348

Cox's Akamai node they host on their internal network is massively overloaded by all the Cox users that hit it. When I first changed to Cox last year I started noticing massive buffering when trying to access Akamai sites like Apple's movie trailer's site or even just updates for my iPhone. I was barely getting 512 Kbps downloading stuff. The minute I switched over to using Level 3's DNS servers my download times cut to a fraction of what it used to take and I was getting 20 Mbps.

I reported all this information along with detailed traceroutes and packet dumps and what was their response? "Reboot your computer. If that doesn't resolve the situation you may need to reset your cable modem." That was it. They totally ignored all the analysis and just told me the problem was on my end. I haven't used their DNS servers since.

Comment Re:Physical Books (Score 1) 226

The point is that eBooks take the vast majority of the cost of publishing out of the equation and yet they want those books to cost as much as, if not more, than a physical book made out of paper. Then on top of it they screw you by not letting you resell, loan, or just plain give the book away to someone else despite the fact that it is perfectly possible for a DRM scheme to be created that allows the transfer of electronic content while removing your access to read it.

Comment Re:Diesel (Score 1) 1141

Bullshit. I live in a rural area of Ohio and the air is clean, the skies are blue, and the visibility is as far as the horizon. Beijing on the other hand... well... there were plenty of examples of its air quality around the time of the Olympics when athletes were complaining they had difficulty breathing in the fucking air and pictures out hotel windows could barely see to the next block on some days. That was AFTER they shut down the factories for the duration of the Olympics!

Comment Re:Cheaper ebooks! (Score 3, Insightful) 134

This is an enormous pet peeve of mine. I've got Kindle on my iPad and my Droid phone but I can't bring myself to actually BUYING any eBooks. The entire concept seems absolutely ludicrous to me. I can go to Amazon or Borders and order a hard copy book that usually is cheaper than the ebook, and gives me total freedom to resell, loan it out, or toss it on my bookshelf for future generations of my family to pick up and read when the time comes. If the ebook was a fraction of the price of a print book or had technology that would allow me to loan and resell, or at the very least print a hardcopy of the book, I may reevaluate the technology. At the rate we're going though, I have little hope my grandchildren will even know what a library is, much less see one filled with current edition books because the concept of sharing and borrowing is being lost in this digital generation. Publishers are turning the concept of sharing into a dirty criminal thing when in fact we go out of our way to instill those values of sharing into our children from the time they are babies. It is insane.

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