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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 4 accepted (12 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - Opera Files EU Antitrust Suit Against Microsoft

taskforce writes: Opera Software just filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft at the European Commission. (A place where Micorosft has historically come to blows over its monopolist practices before.) The suit alleges that Microsoft has abused its dominant position in the operating system market by bundling Internet Explorer with Windows; Unlike Apple or Nokia, who also bundle a browser with their OS, Opera argues that web designers build their sites with IE in mind both because of its dominant market share and non-compliance with web standards, meaning that other browsers simply do not work correctly with many pages which are designed for IE, leading to unfair and deliberate restriction of competition on the part of Microsoft.
The Internet

Submission + - UK Government Ignores Petition To Ban DRM

taskforce writes: "A petition to ban DRM on the UK Government's new (and seemingly pointless) petition site which was signed by 1,400 people was blown off today by the British Government. In its typical response to the swell of public opinion, the government said Digital Rights Management, 'helped give users unprecedented choice,' and that it would fully support the continued embedding of the software into digital media. The full text of the dismissal can be found here."

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