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Journal Journal: The way we perceive things - changes as we do.

Every single day we have opinions, I know I do.

The fun starts when the opinions change over time and I learn something new or see things in a different light.

As the years go by - I find myself observing more rather than stating my opinion all the time. As a young boy I stated my opinions frequently. Eventually I tired from it and started looking for answers instead. A much more logical approach - don't you think so? :)

Frequently I occupy my spare time trying to answer such universal questions such as why are we here and even more ...why is there an universe and where did it all come from

Speaking of which.... these days I've come to believe that it didn't HAVE to have a start.
After all - we invented the concept of time, now didn't we? :)

The most puzzling of all my experience in life so far is the daunting number of humans (me included!) that are caught in a loop.

And what exactly am I accusing humanity of now? Not accusing - rather implying that we might be caught in our own everyday safety net of things that we did once to many times before. Let me take myself as an example:

I zip my tea. Lean back and surf the same pages on the net that I've gotten used to over some time (Slashdot anyone?) again and again. Almost desperate when not finding any news or seeing anything new I often engage in a frantic "bookmark-raid" just to find something new.

Of course ... that is a bit loopminded because it's only the same story all over again, the same people (usually) and the same issues, nothing new really. But who's to blame for that? (Me - just in case you got confused).

The above example is just ONE of many, you can probably find examples from your own life. Now having said that... looping things in life may not be a bad thing - after all - we need our social network - our habits help us feel comfortable and give us a platform to grow on further.

But my gripe with "loopmindedness" is that hardly anything new comes from this - nothing revolutionary anyway. And it's somewhat annoying to find myself caught in that safety net over and over again - especially as I try to rid myself of it. I want to see new things, I want to hear new stories - I want to discover!

Sometimes my quest for thinking the unthinkable (discovering things we have never ever seen before) is making me nuts.

I think the secret to discovering entirely new things is to rid ourselves of traditional thinking. I mean - most of the people on this planet are so preoccupied with the traditional ways that there's hardly any harm in someone taking a different approach. We might not find anything this way - or we might stumble upon something fantastic this.

In the old days people had a habit of blaming everything they didn't understand on mysterious phenomena or paranormal activities and many other things and if you dared to think otherwise you'd either be hung to burn over a campfire or chased as a evil spirit in lead with these "supernatural beings". That's humanity for you!

Oh well - at least certain things are better today, now at best... I'm a "mad-hobby-scientist-wannabe" that no one would even try to understand even if they tried just to be nice. Heck ... I'm not even sure I understand me sometimes.

Therefor I spend considerable time studying communication. It's not too good to be left alone in the dark to chew on your own theories - I need the company of the other. One mind can be nice - but together we could create a HUGE mind to find out things we never before dreamed of. But the road to entirely new thinking is long and dangerous, kind of fun though... it's filled with adventure and no promises of any kind - so you can't really be disappointed - but you COULD get surprised.

A little rambling from me :)


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