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Comment Re:Alan Turing (Score 1) 415

What? No!

But people can basically judge you for anything they please, as long as they believe in it. In certain countries you can get arrested just because someone think it is wrong.

Comment Alan Turing (Score 1, Interesting) 415

Alan is one of the smartest people on this planet. The way he was treated is a direct display of our inhumanity. He is on my wall now, framed in gold, hanging on my silk-spun wall of fame (not that it matters to anyone), but I will forever remember him as one of the most important mathematicians of his time and even our time. I've placed him next to Benoit Mandelbrot for a reason (can you figure out why?).

We as a species are very different when it comes to our mind, our culture, our background. People will always be treated according to the common public's belief, religion or politics no matter what science tells us.

I know this, because just as Alan, I am as different as the rest of you. But you would hate me for who I am, and if you knew, you would love me, as would you love your next of kin, and everyone around you...if you grew a little...kind of like Alan, but there is a time for everything, and hopefully...we're nearing that time...when you can discern between science and religion, and understand that the world is so much more.

Comment The Controller failed big time (Score 1) 212

What destroyed the Wii U for me, was the GIANT fischer Price controller.

I bought one as soon as it came out, for the HD definition part. The controller with a resistive (one touch only) screen (no multitouch) was a dodo bird. Doomed from the start.

I got the wiimote later on, and was relieved, even though I did not have a WII (the old wii...not the new Wii U). And the games (that was compatible with the Wiimote) was a lot more fun as I had to move my entire body to slash and dice with the sword. The Wii U's touch-pad...just plain old fashion sucks.

Please PLEASE Nintendo...do NOT make another mistake like that. The Wii U gamepad is probably the biggest dodobird in the world, biggest mistake ever, not even the clumsy PS3 move controllers comes close to this big mistake.

What where your developers thinking?  No one even bothers making new and interesting games for this dodobird. I tried hard to think of cool things, but a single touch screen? What WAS your developers thinking?

Comment Norwegians are RICH (Score 0) 261

Filthy rich in fact.

They have the SMALLEST work week of all European countries (probably also in the world), 34H work week.
They have the most generous free time. And paid!
They're one of the richest countries in the world (per citizen).

Why should they not want to pay for their purchased goods, music, films, food and software? That's what happens when you SHARE the wealth!

Comment We are ALL mathematicians (Score 1) 580

Everyone uses math in one way or another.

What most people consider "hard math", is the math you get in engineering etc. But what most people don't really give a second thought, is that we ALL use some kind of simple AND quite advanced math in real life, everyday situations too.

Some artists use highly advanced math to create the most amazing artwork, without even knowing or suspecting it's math. And we all visualize mathematics differently. Sure, book-math as we know it, is the sure way to explain things mathematically, you know - numbers and formula, but what about the guy that visualize solutions to complex formulas and problems in fields and mountains? That's just ONE example on how some genius uses math, but not as WE know it, still math though!

A world renown cook, that wins prize after prize - has INCREDIBLE skills in math, maybe not on paper, but I'm pretty sure he/she would be an award winning scientist in chemistry, cooking IS chemistry.

We need to look at math the natural way. Everything is math, and math is everything.

Comment Re:No, he didn't (Score 2) 381

I know what you're saying, but this isn't a pure trademark, it's a sentence including a name.

Xbox ONE
Not Xbox

Eg. Nintendo Fan Club
It's very difficult for Nintendo to sue them for the name, or take over the domain in such a case.
It's not illegal to be a fan of a brand, nor is it illegal to start a sub-branch company (3rd party if you like) based on a brand.
Well, it might be in the USA, but not here.

Comment Re:Who knew the name would be Xbox one anyway? (Score 1) 381

If he gambled on the next name of the Xbox, what's wrong with that? MS chose that name. What are the odds? I'd go with the 720, but for some reason they went with Xbox One. He might as well have planned to call the site Xbox one - for your ONE stop information - everything about the Xbox etc. What do we know? I don't think you can just point at some poor schmuck who just happened to have the same name 2 years before they even came up with it, and sue him, the world doesn't work that way, and thankfully so.

If this is the case, he deserves all he can beat out of MS.

Comment Who knew the name would be Xbox one anyway? (Score 2, Interesting) 381

C'mon guys, this guy just won the lottery.

I for one, wouldn't have guessed it'd be Xbox One, especially not 2 years ago. I Microsoft really wants this name, it's not difficult for them to pony up the dough. Even at 1.000.000$, for MS this would have been a good deal. Going the lawsuit way for someone as powerful as MS, is stupid, they're most likely just going to have haters against them etc.

On the other hand, I don't side with Cybersquatters or people who just purchase 10000 random domain names just because they want to prey on any-company-dot-com, but business is business, if you don't make it your own - it'll be someone else. That's the hard facts of life.

Comment Re:He's right and wrong...here's why (Score 1) 808

*one of our commenters above, mentions the transition period (immerman), I believe he's spot-on with that comment.

There WILL be a transition period where there will be near world-uproar and revolt amongst people because of the unfair balance of money and power. It's the same scenario that happens in a kindergarten. Why would the well off kids give up their toys to the begging, screaming fleabag of an uncared for kid who don't really see the fairness in this? Because if he doesn't, violence will occur at some point, and the rich kid will have to realize he needs to share his toys in order to have a good balanced life with everyone around him. Who wants to party alone anyway?

Open Source is a great example of this. Lawyers fighting like mad for the companies to own and patent code, and Open Source people fighting equally hard to keep source code open and free to everyone. Now we see that Open Source is slowly becoming the acceptable way to spread code and ideas, and the only thing that will bring home the bacon, is actual work done on request, by companies or individuals...and all coders will get their fair share by doing individual requests, perhaps installing and maintaining some companys hardware & software, this happens more and more today.

Same thing with goods and services, entertainment and so forth. It'll be a heck of a ride though, and if you want to avoid being poor in the transition period, you'd better stay on top of your game, whatever that is to you.

Comment Re:He's right and wrong...here's why (Score 1) 808

<quote><p>And how will we get money to pay for this entertainment?  The only people earning money for supplying the essentials will be the owners of the robots, and their entertainment needs will be no greater than they are now.  Why should they care about the rest of us?</p></quote>

Like we have always done it, you'll be working with something, and so will I - we will exchange our services either in the form of money or services. The work we do then, will be different from what we do now. I may get you entertained with my fancy 3D animations for your video games, and you may be my personal fitness-coach, a robot just won't be the same thing even do we probably will have something much more advanced than todays Wii-Fit.

I can assure you there have never been a greater need for entertainment than there is today, I work in entertainment and make a better and better living of it every year, why? That's how I know. Simple statistics. Such as I see it, the need for entertainment will EXPLODE beyond our wildest dreams.

Interestingly enough (and a bit of a coincidence), I also work with robotics. And I can pretty much promise you, robots will need programming and creativity, that could be your job (work with me here, I don't know you...I'm just making an example to answer your questions).

Comment He's right and wrong...here's why (Score 4, Insightful) 808

He is right when it comes to actual physical hard labor.

He is wrong when it comes to us being out of work, the biggest (and hardest challenge of all times) will be in entertainment. The lazier we become, the more entertainment we need, online series, drawings, animations, films, stories, interactive experiences etc. will be the biggest thing on earth.

We will NEVER be out of work. We'll just work DIFFERENTLY than what we do now.

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