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Comment Re:Misconception (Score 1) 1270

Further to this, the NHS has developed an online booking system for booking specialised appointments. If the dermatologists within 1 mile are all booked for a month, you can get in tomorrow anywhere else you want if you are willing to drive. There are far too many myths in the US about how this or that is broken in the UK or other socialised systems. And those myths breed, survive and or are propogated on purpose. Its unbelievable how much people will eat it up.

Submission + - Dire warnings of animal-human hybrids?

hnile_jablko writes: A group in Queensland is reacting to stem cell research law passed recently. From TFA:

QUEENSLAND MPs have been conned into passing new stem cell research laws which put the state on the slippery slope towards human-animal hybrids, right-to-life campaigners say. Queensland MPs, who were given a conscience vote, last night voted 48 to 34 to allow the controversial research to go ahead under strict conditions. Victoria and NSW have already passed similar laws, which mirror those passed by the federal parliament in April this year.
Here is the source article from news.com.au

Submission + - Is balance debate about Israel possible?

hnile_jablko writes: Born and raised in the US, I was never introduced to the other side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; the Palestinian perspective. For reasons I dare not qualify, I felt no reason to question the mainstream media narrative that Palestinians are terrorists and Israeli's are victims to this terror and must protect themselves. When I left the US just over 6 years ago to move to Sydney, Australia, I was introduced to the possibility that there is another side to this conflict. Shortly thereafter, I realised, I had never read anything other than US media or spoken to a Jewish friend about Israel. I was biased. Since then I have read copious books on the subject starting with How was Israel Won to Ben Cramer's How Israel Lost and others about 'the conflict'. Consequently, I have become more balanced -I believe- in my opinion. As such, I feel that Israel should be held more accountable and that the word apartheid is fairly accurate to describe the conditions for Palestinians. This has posed a problem in that I am now branded anti-Semitic and little dialogue takes place as a result. Some people cannot seem to separate criticism of a Israel (a Jewish state) from Jewish people. More recently, I have read Antony Loewensteain's My Israel Question. Loewenstien's book deals largely with the media and Jewish communities attack on critics of Israel in Australia and the US, as well as the government lobbies within these countries and how they affect Israeli policy. Considering the vitriol critics of Israel receive, even if they are Jewish(see Loewenstein and Finklestein), will it be possible for a mainstream balanced dialogue and debate (publicly and in government) about the realities of both groups in the Israeli-Palestinian "conflict"? And what will it take to make such a dialogue happen?

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It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
