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Submission + - Indian law to make Google accountable (deelip.com)

deelip writes: "The recommendation of an Indian parliamentary committee threatens to change the wording in proposed legislation that would hold Google and other service providers accountable for content traversing their system. This should be interesting because Google turns a blind eye to the rampant software piracy being carried out on Orkut Communities and Google hosted blogs, inspite of them being reported using its "Report Abuse" feature."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Woman offers herself in exchange for WoW gold

aneeshm writes: A Spanish website writes about a woman who offered sexual services to any man who would give her 5,000 gold in World of Warcraft. The woman, a female Night Elf, Level 70 (the highest level), offered one night of sex to any guy who would give her the gold necessary to purchase the new Epic Flying Mount of the expansion The Burning Crusade. The woman finally accepted one guy's offer, and after the transaction was completed, he gave her the WoW money.

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