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Comment The Machine That Changed The World (Score 1) 149

There's a gem of a documentary about the history of computing before the web.

The Machine That Changed the World is the longest, most comprehensive documentary about the history of computing ever produced.
It's a whirlwind tour of computing before the Web, with brilliant archival footage and interviews with key players — several of whom passed away since the filming.

Episode 1 featured Interviews with, including but not limited to:
Paul Ceruzzi (computer historian), Doron Swade (London Science Museum), Konrad Zuse (inventor of the first functional computer and high-level programming language, died in 1995), Kay Mauchly Antonelli (human computer in WWII and ENIAC programmer, died in 2006), Herman Goldstine (ENIAC developer, died in 2004), J. Presper Eckert (co-inventor of ENIAC, died in 1995), Maurice Wilkes (inventor of EDSAC), Donald Michie (Codebreaker at Bletchley Park)
Torrent (H.264):

Comment Re:Only a Matter of Time Now (Score 3, Insightful) 132

A stable driver ABI would lead to more proprietary drivers and nobody wants that.
Proprietary drivers are usually only supported for a few years before the vendor drops them to increase the sales of new hardware.
In the meantime, almost all libre drivers in Linux enjoy support for decades, on a large number of system architectures.

Comment Re:7 year old laptop with Linux is valuble? (Score 2) 340

Why do people still think that taking an antique computer and adding Linux is such an amazing thing?

This is a 7 year old laptop - and while someone may have replaced all the batteries with new ones, dismantled it and cleaned the internals with an air duster, and cleaned up the case it's still a diverted piece of e-waste.

Charging people $320 for something that probably cost them less than $50 to acquire is gouging - especially when people have problems with them.

I assume your time is worth nothing and the new batteries are free.

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Machines have less problems. I'd like to be a machine. -- Andy Warhol
