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Comment Re:Really? (Score 0) 129

Gingerbread has only been out for the Nexus for about a week though. It's a first look at what might be coming to other devices still running Froyo. To be fair though, TFA is a device review, NOT an article strictly about Gingerbread on the Nexus.

Comment Re:Lets go phishing! (Score 2) 343

This struck me as an uncomfortable idea from the getgo, but I didn't realize why for a while until this occurred to me. I would be very uneasy not having the URL I'm visiting available at a glance. TFA suggests this layout would be optional, though.

Comment Catch 22 (Score 2, Interesting) 307

If it's an "insecure link" (which is the whole reason SSH was developed ANYWAY), then ANY connection is technically compromised. You can't just assume one that was established "sometime before" is more secure than a new one now. If you carry your assumptions through consistently, they're both compromised and you should just disconnect.

Comment All that remains..? (Score 1) 374

Maybe I'm an optimist, but uh...pretty sure we've been here before and censorship didn't really cut it for Iran's government. The Neda video, Twitter, Facebook, Tor usage, cell phones. There's just too many ways for information to flow from Iran (or Burma or wherever) for any censorship to really be effective. The best ideas would be cutting off ALL access, or white-lists, both of which create serious issues for Iran in terms of being connected to the world.

Comment Re:Eleven courses (Score 2, Insightful) 272

A friend of mine recently decided to enter school, not having pursued any secondary education after high school. He asked for my help with prep for a math placement exam, not wanting to waste his money and time on remedial courses that would not have even counted as credits toward his degree. If this kind of 'corporate education' was more established at the time, he could have spent some money, worked his ass off, and placed higher on the placement test. Consider this small course list a 'beta' for this type of education.

Comment Re:One obvious question (Score 1) 194

Your post sums up all the things that are wrong in the popular mind, and exactly why research budgets are falling at a time when they need to be drastically expanded.

Furthermore, it's rather arrogant to diminish the very deserving accomplishments of others just because you simply lack the imagination to think past today. If you don't find any use to it, don't use it. This developer felt it was necessary/cool/practical/etc. to put Ubuntu on a Kindle. This is basically THE tenet that guides software development by individuals. You develop what you use and keep to yourself re: the things you don't use.

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