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Submission + - MPs Demand Explanation for Detention of David Miranda

megla writes: Yesterday Slashdot covered reports that David Miranda, the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald. Now, various MPs and other public figures have expressed their unease over the detention and demanded justification for the incident from the police.

Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald has threatened to be more aggressive with his reporting regarding the UK secret services and to release more documents about their activities, Brazil has stated that it expects no repeat of the incident, and one of the MPs involved in passing the anti-terrorism legislation used for the detention has said "those of us who were part of passing this legislation certainly would not have expected it to be used in a case of this kind".

Attempting to intimidate a journalist appears to be backfiring badly on this occasion but, of course, the question everyone wants answered is why was his partner stopped? Fingers inevitably point towards the United States government but, at least for now, this is only conjecture.

Comment Re:Crazy civil libertarian types? (Score 3, Informative) 79

I'm sincerely hoping the submitter was being sarcastic about that. Because civil liberties shouldn't be a left-wing issue or a right-wing issue, it should be an every-wing issue. It's the fundamental idea of modern democracy, and should never be negotiable.

As the submitter, I'd like to point out that the final paragraph was added by the editor and I also think the "crazy libertarians" line is a little weird, especially for somewhere like Slashdot which has generally liberal views on technology and privacy.


Submission + - UK Government To Revise Snooping Bill (bbc.co.uk)

megla writes: The BBC is reporting that the Draft Communications Bill is going to be re-written following widespread opposition. The hugely controversial bill would, as it stands, require ISPs to retain vast amounts of data and grant broad powers to authorities to access it, in some cases without needing any permission at all. For those who are interested in the gritty details the first parliamentary report into the legislation is sharply critical at times.

This is good news for anyone in the UK who values their privacy, but it may not be enough. Many would prefer to see the bill scrapped entirely.


Submission + - SpaceX launch To ISS Aborted (bbc.co.uk)

megla writes: News is only just starting to come in, but according to the BBC SpaceX's milestone launch to the ISS was aborted at the last second due to a pressure abnormality in one of Falcon's nine engines.

The next launch opportunity is Tuesday.

Submission + - UK ISPs Ordered To Block The Pirate Bay (bbc.co.uk)

megla writes: The High Court has issued an order requiring Sky, Everything Everywhere, TalkTalk, O2 and Virgin Media to block The Pirate Bay — something which won't come as much of a surprise to anyone who has been keeping track of the BPI's enforcement efforts in the UK.

The ISPs themselves seem to have a much more sensible take on the matter, with the article quoting Virgin Media as saying

Virgin Media complies with court orders addressed to the company but strongly believes that changing consumer behaviour to tackle copyright infringement also needs compelling legal alternatives...

It'll be interesting to see how the industry responds as the relatively trivial methods for circumventing the ban inevitably become more widely publicised as a result of this enforcement action.


Submission + - MIT Unveils 1 Trillion FPS Camera (mit.edu)

megla writes: MIT has developed a very special kind of camera, capable of achieving roughly 1 trillion FPS. What can you do with a camera of that speed? How about recording a pulse of light travelling through a pop bottle?
While this isn't a camera in the traditional sense (in that it has to capture images 1 scan line at a time) it opens up some amazing possibilities.

Comment Re:First file sharing (Score 1) 231

Then child porn. Then hate speech. Then speech to create political unrest. Then pro-abortion speech. Then pro-Republican speech.

Um... if you read TFA then you'll see it's actually "First child porn, then file sharing". The fact that you have child porn on that list as if it's something people should be able to access is a little disturbing too.

Comment Goodbye from a non-believer (Score 1) 1613

I've never owned an Apple product and chances are I never will, but I can't deny the changes Jobs and Apple brought to many people's lives. Apple and the consumer technology industry will sorely miss him for his insights and leadership.

Cancer Cured By HIV 521

bluefoxlucid writes "Apparently cancer has been cured, by injecting people with HIV. From the article: 'As the white cells killed the cancer cells, the patients experienced the fevers and aches and pains that one would expect when the body is fighting off an infection, but beyond that the side effects have been minimal.' Nifty. Poorly edited run-on sentence, but nifty."

Comment Re:What a difference an 'F' makes. (Score 1) 186

The word is "off", not "of".

If you're going to be a grammar pedant at least try to be a correct grammar pedant.

Google pulled the paid apps section of the Market for users in Taiwan.

"Of the market" as in "belonging to/part of the Market". This is perfectly valid and much better English than using "off" in the way you wanted to see.

Comment Re:Java? (Score 1) 288

I have to agree with the parent, this just seems like the initial Java hype all over again. Not to say that Java is a bad concept, but it simply hasn't achieved what some of its early proponents thought it would.

In terms of the article itself, the author has clearly got caught up in the hype and forgotten that:
a) Microsoft's core market is the business market, not the consumer market.
b) Even if they would go for it, big software houses would be very uncomfortable writing applications which anyone could view the source code of and rip off.

I mean, try telling enormous ERP vendors like SAP or Sage that they need to rewrite their software in HTML5 + JS. Yeah, sure, they'll get right on that. Companies have huge investments in traditional applications (as opposed to 'apps') and that's not going to change anytime soon considering most of the big players still consider .NET to be new and fancy, especially not when it threatens their IP. Not to mention that the article completely neglects to think about the Windows Server product line - do they seriously expect people to be writing server-side applications in this way?

My prediction is that we'll see a few HTML5 weather widgets to go on the tiles interface and that everything else will continue down the .NET line. Maybe by the time Windows 8 see widespread business adoption sometime around 2020 then there'll be a couple of HTML5 intranet widgets and company stock tickers too, but the idea of all software going this route anytime soon is pure fantasy.

Comment "New" device?! (Score 1) 163

Safeway trialled this in the UK 15 years ago in the mid 90s at several of their largest supermarkets including the one I shopped at. The device itself was a bit more crude (basically a barcode scanner with a memory and 16x2 LCD screen) but the concept was identical. It was also a massive failure, because people would do everything they could to steal things up to and including stealing the scanners. Then, because of the increased shrinkage, the chances of being forced to 'randomly' go back through the normal checkout anyway in order to double check your scanning shot right up, and because of that ("What's the point if I'm just going to have to go through the checkout anyway?") people stopped using them and they were gone in under a year.

It sounds like a nice idea but relies on honesty. You'd be surprised how many petty thieves there are when people think they can get away with it.

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