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Comment Re:Does a pig need leaches? (Score 1) 215

That is great, however there is a whole set of employers that hire by the project. I personally attempt to avoid this (trying to provide stability for my family), however there is a certain appeal in always being focused on building something new. In this situation, having someone trying to make sure there is a next project to move to, would be nice.

Comment Re:Unified Kernel (Score 1) 352

The real last step is getting the WinRT APIs and environments up to snuff so they can be seamlessly used alongside Win32 applications on the desktop.

You mean like this?

I am no fan of Windows 8, however it biggest problem is its face not its core or its capabilities. Compared to a few years ago (when the: common, random, and jarring full screen interruption was a blue screen of death), this is the world upside down.

Comment Lots and Lots (Score 1) 241

While I freely admit that most of my programming has been in other areas. In every project I do it seems the day comes when boss says, what we need here is a visual. Where: when I click on it here..., when I drag it their..., when I spin it... What you have to understand (and many here do) is that you screen/window/view is laid out in a coordinate system. So you cannot escape it! You quickly need: geometry, trigonometry, vectors, and if your doing any 3D calculus.

Good luck!

Comment Re:Microsoft cross platform problem. (Score 1) 442

There have been compatibilitiy problems irking consumers ever since Vista x86_64 hit the market.

What? I never ran Vista x64, but I did run Windows 7 and do run Windows 8 in 64-bit. The only compatibility problems I've ever seen are with 16-bit programs...

The early 64bit days on windows where rough. Why? Programs that thought they knew where their 32bit dependencies would always be. Microsoft recompiled Windows (with some real effort) for 64bit meaning things like the Windows directory went from being 32bit to 64bit. 32bit versions supplied for backwards compatibility were provided under a new parallel structure (with different names) known as WoW64 (Windows on Windows). If you built your software with the proper: relative paths, environment variable, and registry references things just worked. If you had hard-coded paths or chose the wrong references, your software broke.

Comment Re:I'm glad (Score 1) 442

Except for out-of-the-box integration with Remote Workplace

Alright, Microsoft Remote Web Workplace provides a convenient web interface (through a proprietary IE plug-in) to connect to RDP through a proxy. As long as IT supports Android and iOS, they will provide a way to RDP using one of the available third party clients. So how is this the must have, separating SurfaceRT from the established players?

Comment Re:What a relief. (Score 1) 614

Do not throw out well engineered software, maintain it.

the problem is untangling the business logic and reproducing it without error

Hold the phone. I thought we were discussing upgrading. Too many of these comments assume an "upgrade" necessarily means replacing the old software with something completely different. I believe this is a bad assumption! The poster specifically mentions IE 6, which is only eleven years old. So we are well into the era of MVC programming where the code talking to IE6 is the View. Therefore in order to upgrade it for newer browsers, you should not be touching the business logic. I full recognize that you may have inherited a pile of spaghetti logic without any comments (as I did three years ago), in which case I wish you luck in your replacement endeavors (after getting some radical new requirements, I am just now getting close). I also realize that "updating for new browsers" could mean adding missing closing tags to replacing an ActiveX plug-in with AJAX components. However, in a great many cases we are working with the Controller's and Model's APIs and not touching the business logic (nor moving heaven and earth).

Businesses need to view both computers and software as a durable good. You maintain durable goods until they either catastrophically fail or are so outstripped by newer technology that a new one actually saves you money or makes you more money.

Comment Re:See the thing is I have used it (Score 1) 413

Technically it is a very good OS. It is fast and stable

First, these are some of my experiences with Windows 8, they may be atypical. Second, I'm running Office 2010 (one version old).


Windows 8 is initially very snappy, for reasons that I cannot diagnose (no high CPU usage or low amount of available memory), after I have run it for 24-48 hours it becomes slow and so I have taken to shutting it down every eventing (something I wasn't doing with Windows 7, but did do with every version of Windows prior).


These all run outside of metro, however this is suppose to be "Windows."

  • Word: Crashes, if I have more than one window open.
  • Outlook: Strange trouble switching between windows (often takes three clicks).
  • PowerPoint: Certain slides (some that I used previously) crash Windows 8.
  • SciTE (text editor): Syntax highlighting complete broken (just under Windows 8).

I've run all this by our head of IT and rather than try to fix any of it, he is trying to get us off of Windows. However at the same time we are deploying new SharePoint 2010 sites, so I do not think we are giving up on the brand.

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