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Comment Re:I'm not convinced (Score 1) 207

I also have a Naga and I love it. The 12 buttons on the right thumb side are a good size, so even fat fingers like mine and press them. It definitely has a very nice natural ergonomic feel to it and the rubber top and in-groove left/right click make it a dream to handle. A fully remappable 17 keys, was worth the price.

Comment Re:Not social networking... (Score 1) 294

No one feels alienated.

Um, I do? The one reason I don't use facebook or myspace etc is both A) I can count the number of friends I have on one hand (none of them use these either) and B) I know no one who uses these. There is no purpose for me to use it. I'm a nerd, a geek, a social outcast. I do not fit in with the normal crowd of people who use these. I work a full time job and when I'm at home I'm usually playing mmorpgs while watching reruns of some science fiction tv show on tv, eating ramen noodles or a hotpocket. Not everyone, fits in. Not everyone wants to fit in. Facebook and Myspace are not "for" everyone.

Comment QQ More (Score 1) 480

People who dislike open pvp are why most MMORPG's these days are carebear funfests of total safezones and little to no pvp which you usually have to flag for.

What you consider a "griefing fucktard" we consider part of the game. If the game allows us to kill someone, guess what, we may make use of that ability. This is why I do not play WoW. I did for a while, but not being able to kill people in my same "faction" was a deal breaker. If someone was annoying you, what could you do? /ignore their username? What if they physically followed you around? It's a perpetual world so you couldn't just change instances (unless you went into an actual dungeon/raid without the person). So THEY could theoretically grief you. Sure, you can report them and maybe, maybe, a GM might give them a warning or whatever. Seriously though, the ability to kill anyone, anywhere, for any reason, is what attracts a lot of us to MMORPG's.

There are a few games that cater to this. Eve Online isn't half bad and Darkfall is decent. I personally loved UO and Shadowbane simply for the open pvp. I loved Shadowbane for it's player politically run servers. There was no real PvE content, you killed mobs en mass to level and you pvp till you were exhausted. The servers were ran by players, we decided who controlled what territory, who had rights to what resources. We chose our own paths in the game.

Then you log into game's like WoW where you can only fight persons X, Y, and Z and only in locations A, B, or C. It's so carebear it might as well be Hello Kitty Online with Orcs and Humans. We rofl at people who QQ over being killed in pvp. It's hilarious to watch people break down in a nerdrage of delicious tears over precious pixels they might lose on a digital screen. You would be shocked at grown men weeping over binary 1's and 0's which compose their +5 Sword Mastery gloves they suddenly dropped because they weren't keeping an eye on their surroundings and got wtfganked.

Yes, casual gamers and non-pvp fans make up the majority of mmo games. Sad as it may be. But there IS a market for these games. Darkfall, Mortal Online, Fallen Earth, Neocron, Shadowbane, UO, Eve Online, and more and more and more. There ARE games for the die hardcore pvpers.

As Shadowbane taught us, play to crush. If your ego can't check being killed, you need to go install Runescape or MS Hearts.

Comment Sadly, using FireFox at work can mean being fired (Score 2, Informative) 416

I work tech support for a phone company who shall remain unnamed. The primary "software" we use is all web apps that are run on their local intranet.

And the worst part being, all these web apps were written for IE6. Some will function in Firefox/Chrome/Opera/etc but the primary ones we use the most every day, don't.

AND, they will never update it. Why? The hired a third party programmer to write the primary web app we use, and it was basically contract work. He wrote it, gave X amount of troubleshooting help with it, and that was it. If we need major fixes to it or additions to it, we can't. And if this software goes down, which it does on a weekly basis, we end up having to schedule a ton of call backs with customers we're speaking with on the phone since we can't help them without this piece of software generally.

Now, we all have personal directories on a virtual server we can use for storage of work related files (guides for routers, phone manuals, etc) and most people do in fact install Portable FireFox here and use it for their casual browsing of the internet between calls. Even our supervisors and managers do this as well as us peons. BUT, it is technically against company policy to install outside software of any kind and use it.. even if it is by far more secure and easier to use than what they offer. No one has gotten fired for it but my point being that there was grounds for it, compared to using the shitacular IE6. And trust me, you should see the spyware scan logs of the massive network of user pc's we have.. It just amazes me a company is so cheap it won't pay to have its software updated to accomodate security. It'd hate to be in the actual IT department at this place, their entire day must be spyware/virus removal.

Comment This is current news? (Score 1) 99

Sorry I don't mean to be a dick, mod me down if you absolutely must but.. the Lego MMORPG was announced a while back, complete with a very awesome trailer for it. I love /. but in some cases the news on some things trickles in so slow other sites have reported it long before there is an article here.

Comment No, No, and No I will NOT use this (Score 0, Flamebait) 248

As I posted on the WoW forums;

I will NOT pay for an authenticator because OTHER people cannot keep their shit protected. Use Firefox, use a firewall, don't download suspicious files, don't visit suspicious websites and use a decent anti virus.

If Blizzard decides to make us ALL pay for the mistakes of a FEW, then when they try to charge me $5 or 6 or whatever, they can cancel my account to at that point.

I can afford the $6.50, it's a matter of principle and integrity at this point, we shouldn't be punished for the actions of others.

Comment Re:Typical! (Score 1) 176

The choice of some customers is not the choice all customers want.

Case in point, I stop for a sausge-egg biscuit at a local fast food chain every day before work. It's near my office so I've got usually 10-15 minutes to eat before heading into work. Now, these biscuits are almost always scorching hot. I mean hot to the point that simply holding the biscuit in your hand, would burn skin. Maybe just first degree burns but still burns.

Now imagine trying to eat that. Sure, I've got the 10-15 minutes to eat it, but who wants to let it sit on the dashboard for that long just to cool off enough to eat, so I can scarf it down in 3-4 minutes before having to clock in for the day? My solution is, ask them to not cook it so hot, or arrive earlier to work, so I have "appropriate time" to let it cool. I call B.S. If a piece of food is literally to hot to be held in your hands, from a fast food place (where you typically expect to eat within a few minutes of buying your food) then they've obviously made it TOO hot.

Comment Re:Price (Score 1) 277

Apple has released a device with only 4GB. My 3rd Gen iPod Nano, is a 4GB model of the two (the larger being 8GB at the time), circa September 2007. It was I believe $150, maybe $199 at the time, can't quite remember. But they have released something with that little storage, fyi.

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