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Comment Re:Intruiged (Score 2) 274

1) You can't disconnect the keyboard from a notebook. This makes my Transformer lighter and more comfortable when sitting on the couch websurfing or watching Netflix.
2) You can't use a touch interface on a (cheaper) notebook. I've hurt my finger poking the screen on my work laptop because I've become so used to and happy with having a touch interface.

Submission + - HTC Buys Patents from Google, Sues Apple with Them (

AlienIntelligence writes: Apparently to stay viable in the IP wars, HTC secured some patents from Google (who purchased them originally from Palm Inc., Motorola Inc. and Openwave Systems Inc.) on the 1st of September.

The patents were used to fire a new salvo of shots across Apple's bow today, September 7th.

HTC filed infringement claims against Apple in federal court in Delaware, suing based on four of those patents that originally were issued to Motorola. Additional complaints were filed with the US ITC based on the other patents.

Comment Re:Finally! (Score 1) 184

Um, yes Ubuntu has has serious issues with old software, even in LTS. I got burned by this with just last month with Apache 2.2.14 on 10.04 LTS. That version has bad memcpy bug, that we hit after changing our config, but it hadn't been updated in 10.04 LTS. I had to tweak my repo settings to get 2.2.16 from maverick, and was lucky it worked. Where's the LTS in this? It was hardly an obscure bug.

Comment Re:Cool hack (Score 1) 250

I agree that this is a cool hack. But I just don't understand the fetish for JS as a language for writing software beyond the fact that it is integrated inside the browser. Ok, sure, look at the cool hacks (I liked the Google Guitar). But please please please, people, remember that statically typed languages greatly reduce the incidence of bugs. JS is a fine tool for integrating pieces of interactive code in browsers, and yes people have written some amazing large systems with it too. But just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. Frankly I value having a compiler tell me about bugs BEFORE someone manages to run a test case that breaks my code.

This is a cool hack, not a justification of using JS for being a primary development and deployment language for applications.


Submission + - Iran acknowledges espionage at nuclear facilities (

wiredmikey writes: Iran acknowledged Saturday that some personnel at the country's nuclear facilities were lured by promises of money to pass secrets to the West but insisted increased security and worker privileges have put a stop to the spying.

The stunning admission by Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi provides the clearest government confirmation that Iran has been fighting espionage at its nuclear facilities.

Submission + - Plan to curb free software in EU ( 1

bodski writes: "Wikileaks has posted a file showing a plan to curb the free software in Europe.
This file shows that Jonathan Zuck, president of Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) –an organization with close ties to Microsoft–, and founder of Americans for Technology Leadership, had influenced the change of working documents of the European Union.
That lobbies to exert pressure against the government institutions under their interests no doubt, and this document published by Wikileaks is clearly demonstrated.
The document in question is a work project developed by experts from the European Commission. This document has been modified by the ACT and Comptia organizations that have been percolating in several working groups."

Wikileaks link to file:,_Mar_2009?TB_iframe=1&width=1000&height=540
Scribd copy:

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