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Comment record vitals while asleep (Score 1) 415

If I were to wear a watch, I'd like to be able to comfortably wear it while sleeping. I'd like it to record my vitals. I hear variation in sleep vitals is a pretty good way to detect illness early on.

Maybe it could vibrate at me when I snore, before it wakes my bed partner. Or vibrate to wake me in the morning, since I can apparently sleep though any noise. Hey maybe my bed could be one big charging mat!

But I don't like to wear a watch, so never mind.

Comment transparency is the security mechanism (Score 1) 112

That only applies when transparency is not a competing security mechanism.

In this case, transparency protects from institutional and insider attacks on the system of self-governance. Obscurity simply protects the mechanism from observation. One must ask which is more important.

Comment off-hour vending machines (Score 1) 141

What's with the guards by the vending machines in terminals? What would happen if I insisted on using the vending machines?

The airports I fly through have nooks with vending machines. When I go through (always day or early evening), there's always a guard. I tried to use the vending machines a couple times and was told "no" and they're only for when the shops are closed.

What goes? Whose policy is it? Do the shop vendors pay separately for this extra protection?

Comment rally the users (Score 1) 188

While I'm sure the Corporate Parents of slashdot and linked in are in all sorts of rage and feeling dirty and used, think of the users. As a user of both, I'm certainly displeased.

A virtual protest may be asynchronous, but could go on for quite some time. It could be one more thing encouraging the less corrupt elements to help reign in such abuses.

Comment Re:Uh, you stop your stuff from getting stolen? (Score 1) 684

Do you really want me to pull out the buggy whip argument?

Yes. Here, I'll do it for you. DRM is today's buggy whip manufacturers' mechanism for forcing the buggy whip to stay in use.

Watch this TED video for some hints about what's going on beyond the desperate measures of the Content Industrial Machine.

Comment it's a trick (Score 1) 591

I can only imagine the discussion that preceded the writing: Let's trick those zealots into trading their core values of freedom and openness for hierarchy and control by dangling shiny irrelevancies in front of them. Then we'll have have fewer targets and might gain some traction. Sure why not, everything else has failed.

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