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Comment Re:Why is it ArenaNet's fault? (Score 1) 233

You seem to completely misunderstand why this is bad. It relies entirely on's judgement of what violates the "spirit" of the game. Where is the line. Yes, this did damage to the economy and should do everything they can to limit and repair that damage. However, if making money in unexpected manners is a bannable offense where is the line? What about the Forge runs in GW1? What about finding a slightly good deal? This just encourages a nanny culture where players report each other because they feel some "retard" isn't playing the game right and arbitrary bans. What actually needs are tools and safeguards to limit the damage events like this can cause. I've seen other MMOs ban people for idiotic things such as standing on top of buildings due to this attitude.

Comment Re:well, i can (Score 1) 218

but is it my responsibility to suggest they change the password? especially since a 'professional' it outsourcing company took it over?

The problem is 'suggesting they changed the password' is proof that although you no longer work for them, you tried using your credentials to regain access to their system.

If they are dicks, they might call up the police and press charges for unauthorized access to their computer system, even if you think you're just trying to be helpful, testing to make sure your creds are no longer valid.

This! In this case, suggesting they fix can do nothing good for you and they can potentially try to have you prosecuted for unauthorized access. You know you were fired, the letter proves you know that you aren't supposed to be able to access the systems, and it also proves you accessed the system. They won't have an epiphany and hire you back if you point out security flaws, in fact it is more likely they will shoot the messenger. Best case you get a thanks from a company that thinks IT is overpaid and screwed you over. Worst case they attempt to make your life miserable. Furthermore, if you still have access, how many other holes are still sitting around their network? Who else still has access? They don't need a letter helping them plug up a single hole, they need someone like you fixing their security, which ironically they don't have anymore.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 2) 146

You forget, you don't actually have to build a PC to play their games. Most of the games are available on console and actually look better on console than OnLive. So you can fork out $200-300 and just buy an X360 or PS3 and be able to play 90% of their library and tons of games they don't have. I think the biggest hurdle OnLive has is the changing PC marketplace. It used to be PC was the only place you could play shooters and had tons of big exclusives. Now all the mainstream games go cross platform and many PC games are ports from console. The exclusives for PC tends to be big strategy games like Civ and Total War or inde games (which usually have very reasonable system requirements and pricing.) So that's yet another reason OnLive was a bad idea.

Comment Re:The whole idea is flawed. (Score 1) 541

Problem is a lot of these diseases were unheard of due to the vaccinations, thus people forget about them and see them as a non-threat. They don't think chance X vs chance Y, they think "Autism, I don't want my kid to have that" and don't think about the diseases the vaccinations prevent. You want people to start thinking that vaccinations are mandatory again, you need prominent news story about how horrible these diseases are and how sad it is to watch kids die from them.

Comment Re:OK, so I don't know the whole story... (Score 1) 477

Banks make a lot of money, they have access to security. Medical marijuana isn't necessarily very profitable. In some states, it is illegal for them to sell their product and they may only donate it. Many growers do it as hobbyists for little or no profit. It is much easier to rob a marijuana grower than a bank. Furthermore, other businesses are not legally forced to publicly disclose their location. They do so because it is good for business.

Comment Re:Search evidence fails standard of reasonable do (Score 1) 532

If you asked for books on those subject shortly before someone near you was murdered by one of those methods, yes, the police would be interested in that. Remember, the article has "and other incriminating evidence" mentioned. Does searching for poison when someone close to you was poisoned mean you are guilty, no. Does it make you a suspect, definitely.

Monkeys Exhibit the Same Economic Irrationality As Us 254

grrlscientist writes "Laurie Santos is trying to find the roots of human irrationality by watching the way our primates make decisions. This video documents a clever series of experiments in 'monkeynomics' and shows that some of the stupid decisions we make are made by our primate relatives too."

Comment Re:uhhh (Score 1) 545

You have to remember, it isn't his router. Verizon provides the router with fios installations. So you are borrowing their router and usually paying a small rental fee. I imagine the legality is set-up so they can access it.

Comment Re:The real question (Score 1) 311

A lot of sites can become collateral damage. Ads on the internet tend to be obnoxious and the solution tends to be implementing an ad-blocker. This usually is active on all sites by default and comes with a set of filters the block everything on most sites. A lot of people wouldn't mind reasonable ads on sites they enjoy, but they don't tend to think about the ad blocking once it is in place. If you have reasonable ads, politely asking viewers to white list your site somehow seems like a good move.
The Military

US Navy Considering Wii Fit and DDR For Boot Camp 104

almehdaaol writes "New military recruits are coming in physically heavier and out of shape, so the US Navy has decided to take an interesting course of action by creating a new training regimen inspired by the fitness-centric Wii Fit and Dance Dance Revolution." This comes alongside a report confirming some of the BS we told our parents when we were growing up: "Bavelier said playing the kill-or-be-killed games can improve peripheral vision and the ability to see objects at dusk, and the games can even be used to treat amblyopia, or lazy eye, a disorder characterized by indistinct vision in one eye. She said she believes the games can improve math performance and other brain tasks."

Comment Could be a good thing (Score 1) 179

I think a lot of people are looking at this the wrong way. It seems to be optional. I know many people run ad-blocking software with their browsers due to all the obnoxious banner ads and flash ads floating about the net these days. Many of these people use filter sets that are provided by someone else. This could work quite well if Microsoft allowed the users to have custom filter sets and was easily turned off. If implemented the wrong way, yes it could be ridiculously obnoxious. At the same time if implemented properly it could be a nice feature. Worst case other web development teams can steal the idea and implemented it well if Microsoft doesn't.

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