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Comment Apple, it Just Works for me. (Score 1) 287

I used to have a rack, servers, all that; it was overkill but learning it was my hobby. But then I learned it, and it became a PITA to babysit all of it. These days I have kids, and my main need is streaming Pixar movies to the living room, music to the kitchen, TV shows to the bedrooms, Rocky to my iPad when I'm on the treadmill... and I wanted something that just works. And for me, that's Apple and iTunes for now.

So its a 27" iMac running iTunes, with a 3TB internal drive to store everything, A cheap WD drive as a backup, another SSD I back up to and take to work with me, and Im looking into a cloud backup. After having a series of expensive drives and RAIDs and Drobos that seemed to go belly up just as often as the cheap drives, I realized that quantity>quality when it comes to backups.

An Airport Extreme with 802.11ac gives me the bandwidth, and two Airport Expresses strategically placed in the bedroom and kitchen can stream music and boost my signal. Security isn't a bit concern for me right now; my work and private data stays on my encrypted laptop, if anyone broke into my iMac they'd only be able to steal a copy of WoW and a bunch of movies and AACs I totally didn't steal in the first place.

Comment Re:Its time to move on (Score 1) 210

Like it or not, George Lucas never wanted Han to shoot first.

How do you know? He put Han shooting first into the first movie. That proves you wrong. Yes, he later changed his mind, but to say he "never" wanted it is silly. That's how he wrote and directed it the first time. He just didn't understand the rest of the movie, and changed his mind later.

Well, I KNOW because he has SAID so, many times, all over the place, ever since the beginning. I'd cite some sources, but I;m sure you know how to use the internet. The only thing that is "proven" is that someone, some editor or effects tech was a bit too ambiguous, and Lucas didn't change it at the time because he didnt notice, didnt think about it hard enough, or lacked the time or money to do so. You don't think Lucas himself hand painted every frame of film? Or that he had the sort of iron-fisted creative control that he had in later filmes?

Comment Re:Its time to move on (Score 1) 210

Filmmaking contains a certain element of preservation. To capture the time and era the film came out in, and leave all nuances intact.

So how do you feel about the aforementioned and highly lauded fan cuts? Why is it okay for fans to make edits, but not the original creator? I seem to remember the praise the internet had for other editors, such as Topher Grace, when he re-cut the prequel trilogy, and people were rabid about wishing to see it. Or the endless reappropriation of Disney princesses into other forms of art, or Garfield Without Garfield, or Nietzsche Family Circus, or I could go on...

Where is the line between re-editing, and reappropriation, and why is it okay for some people but not others? I'm genuinely wondering. Perhaps people were bitter because they felt that Lucas was cashing in again?

Comment Re:Its time to move on (Score 1, Insightful) 210

Well... It bothered him, and he changed it when he was able to. If bothers the rest of the internet, and all they can do it bitch about it, forever. So yeah, I do think you need to get over it. Go take a break, drink some blue milk, then come back and look at the anger in your own comment, and think about things you're allowing to get under your skin.

Comment Overthinking the problem from both directions (Score 1) 170

I grew up right on the cusp– I learned to print and write cursive in grade school but I always had bad penmanship and started typing papers on a word processor in middle school. Got my first computer in high school. So I am more comfortable typing than writing by hand, and Im sure anyone younger than me is going to be even more so. I can understand why so many people suggest you type your notes- it does present zero barrier to entry, and no compatibility issues, but its the WORST format by far for searching and retrieving information later on. The more you write, and the longer you wait, the harder it will be to remember where and when you wrote that one particular nugget of wisdom.

I'd also stay away from any app or god forbid, cloud service, that is proprietary. If it doesn't offer XML import/export, I wouldn't even consider it. Also, no way Im using an Omni product that will extort a $100 upgrade fee whenever they like. Plain text for me, with a copy exported as PDF and appended to a master document that I can search from any PDF compatible app on any platform.

Comment Re:Apple? (Score 3, Informative) 409

Use it online at icloud.com Or log into the app store with your account on a new mac and download the apps. Now theyll be forever attached to your account adn you can install them on your other devices for free, and legally.
Apple wanted to make them truly no-strings-attatched free for everyone but strange FTC laws prohibited it.

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