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Comment Re:At the risk of incurring wrath from iFans... (Score 2) 234

Apple is in fact circling the drain now. They`re playing "follow-the-leader" with features on their phones.

Do you have anything other than your own personal opinion to back up your "fact"? AAPL corporate earnings continue to grow, their products continue to sell and expand their market share, they are the #1 or #2 company in the world in terms of market cap and they have a ginormous cash hoard to draw upon for further R&D and expansion.

If you want to see a perfect example of a company that actually IS circling the drain, take a look at RIM.

"follow-the-leader features"? Siri-ously (har har)? Oh look, Google has a Siri-like app now! Leading-the-followers is more accurate...

Comment Re:The real point is... (Score 1) 167

What's really interesting about this is that it now brings PGP to almost device with a browser - that is: those with browsers which have javascript support. This gives us such joys as iPhones with PGP that Apple can't suddenly decide they don't want people to have.

Apple doesn't give a shit if you have PGP on your iPhone or not. There are some decent PGP apps available for a fair price. for example.

Comment Re:I *LIKE* my kindle! (Score 1) 510

You fail to understand the point. The point is that DRM is bad. This is a point I agree with. I don't "share" and I don't freeload. Yet there are several works I have purchased which I am no longer able to access because of DRM.

I understand the point entirely. RMS wants to invent some new tax on purchases, which would involve a huge addition to our already bloated government to solve a problem that 99% of the population doesn't view as a problem. They just want their eReader to work. The fact that you can't freely share the eBooks with all of your friends without jumping through some hoops is an inconvenience at worst. I've had iTunes purchased music (with DRM) for many years, I have a shitload of kindle eBooks, I've yet to lose anything due to DRM. Your experience may differ but if you've actually lost significant amounts of content due purely to DRM, maybe you better stick with the free DRM-free shit, mass market products with DRM like iTunes and Kindle are clearly too difficult for you to master.

because you don't believe in DRM and paying for stuff like music and art,

Wow, you've really swallowed the party line whole, haven't you.

Comment I *LIKE* my kindle! (Score 0) 510

I'm definitely in the minority here, but I *LIKE* my kindle and I dont give a shit if the books have DRM or not. I don't need Richard Fucking Stallman dictating the rules by which I am supposed to live my digital life. This is how the world works - someone produces a product, charges a price for it, and you have the FREEDOM to either buy it or not buy it if you dont think it is worth the price. You do not have the right to steal it just because you think the price is too high or you disagree with the concept of capitalism or with selling an artistic work. That is not "rebelling against the system", that is just being a thieving cheapskate asshole.

Sure, I could go to the trouble of breaking the DRM and sharing it with all my friends, the instructions for doing so are freely available, and its not hard. I'd really rather just read the damn thing.

If you want a book and dont want to give up your name or email or credit card, go to a bookstore and buy a hardcopy with cash. Or, write the author a nice letter and ask him to send you a free copy because you don't believe in DRM and paying for stuff like music and art, I'm sure most authors will run right down to FedEX/Kinkos and send you a freebie straight away.

Comment Re:Finally... (Score 2) 410

Who gives a shit who had the idea first, that means nothing if you cant capitalize on it. The tech highway is littered with carcasses of shitty companies like Palm and Sandisk and Creative who had a good idea and had no idea how to market it to the masses and dominate the market. Love them or not, you have to give Jobs credit for having an amazing team of visionary designers and engineers who can take someones poorly implemented idea and turn it into gold.

I dont care who first invented the hand-held mp3 player (I had a 128KB Creative RIO ), I care who makes the BEST one, and that happens to be Apple.

Apple frankly does not "suck at innovation", thats narrow minded myopic thinking. They have revolutionized industrial design with their products over the past 10 years, you have to be blind or willfully ignorant not to recognize it. Their "closed" business model is orthogonal to the discussion. The fact is they are one of the only truly successful AND innovative companies and their growing market share and market capitalization speaks directly to that fact.

You can hate the fact that their software and hardware isn't "open", but you cant deny they are well designed and often truly unique when compared to the other products on the market in terms of their physical design.

Comment Re:Can this be used against us? (Score 1) 134

How in the world does TC technology "fuck with your freedom"? Please give concrete examples. Microsoft uses it for bitlocker security, but they are not "fucking with your freedom" to wipe it out and install whatever OS you want. TPM devices can be disabled by the platform owner at any time. Also, as I originally wrote, TC != DRM. They are not related. I dont believe there are any mainstream DRM implementations that rely on TPMs to enforce restrictions. It's easy enough to write DRM schemes without it (Apple's FairPlay, for example).

Submission + - An IP Address is not a Person (

cpuh0g writes: In yet another blow to the RIAA/MPAA extortion crusade, a judge has ruled that they cannot serve a subpoena based on an IP address.

Comment Re:take off your android/apple colored glasses (Score 0) 129

I stand by my assertion that RIM is circling the drain and have not had an innovative compelling product line in about 5 years. The Storm was an abortion, and that was their lame attempt at a touch screen to compete with iOS and Android? FAIL. Everything since then is basically a rehash of the same clunky keyboard and joystick interface. Yeah, they have some sort of touch technology, all crammed into a tiny little screen because they have to make room for the physical keyboard at the bottom. Its like a RAZR with a fancier keyboard.

The playbook has been universally panned by everyone who has reviewed it, another epic failure.

Do they have any sort of meaningful developer program to encourage an ecosystem of development for their pathetic app store? No, It's a joke. Nobody develops for RIM first. It's always iOS/Android, and then maybe the rest if they have time. RIM is part of "the rest" and that does not bode well for their future.

You assert that the blackberry is untouchable in security. Please be specific.

Finally, Its not FUD, its an observation and an opinion. I'm not a fanboy of apple or google, but its obvious to anyone paying attention that RIM is an also-ran in the field of mobile phones and consumer electronics in general. The other companies are growing market share, RIM is shrinking. Stick a fork in them now, they are done. They may hang around for a few years with the MS Exchange integration features, but that's not going to save their business, it'll just allow them to tread water or sink a little slower.

Comment Circling the drain (Score 1) 129

Seriously, when was the last time you talked to anyone who excited to go get a new blackberry? iOS and Android have rendered RIMM products utterly irrelevant. Well, that plus their own inability to adapt to the latest trends and provide a product that is interesting.

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