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Comment Re:Insurance? (Score 1) 758

I wonder if the database knows how long it took to exhaust the three-digit ID space?

I too can't resist the temptation to scan a thread that talks about low UIDs to see if I can trump the lowest one offered. You never win for long though, as I've observed before. Well, I don't anyway, maybe you do...


World's Fastest Broadband Connection — 40 Gbps 416

paulraps writes "A 75-year-old woman from Karlstad in central Sweden has been given a scorching 40 Gbps internet connection — the fastest residential connection anywhere in the world. Sigbritt Löthberg is the mother of Swedish internet guru Peter Löthberg, who is using his mother to prove that fiber networks can deliver a cost-effective, ultra-fast connection. Sigbritt, who has never owned a computer before, can now watch 1,500 HDTV channels simultaneously or download a whole high definition DVD in two seconds. Apparently 'the hardest part of the whole project was installing Windows on Sigbritt's PC.'" An article in Press Esc notes an analyst study of the increasing demand for fiber-to-the-home in Europe.

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"But what we need to know is, do people want nasally-insertable computers?"
