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Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 113

I'm going to have to agree. I have been using XBMC for a couple of years now and it is far and away the best media centre out there at the moment.

I'm running the Lars Op Den Kamp PVR build of Eden with tvheadend for the TV tuners on Oneiric and use a logitech rumblepad 2 for the controller. Set it up with zsnes and dolphin-emu and can access these without even leaving the couch. The addons repos are great, adding quite a lot of features you could only dream of in other media centres. I rarely have issues even with the latest un-stable builds and when I do there is already a patch out for it.

As for Boxee being for dummies, XBMC isn't hard at all anymore thanks to projects like OpenELEC. I built a system for a friend using OpenELEC and it could not be easier.

Comment Re:Carriers (Score 1) 234

I can't back it up with figures but I would hazard a guess that most people would buy their phones/plans direct through their carrier, locked to that specific carrier. The major carriers have stores located everywhere. It is possible to buy an unlocked phone from a phone store like All Phones, Crazy John's, Telechoice, etc. and they don't seem as numerous. No one I know has bought a phone/plan from one of these places. In regards to the phones being carrier locked it's now easily possible to have your carrier unlock your phone and the carriers are required to do so. If you are on a contract you must keep paying though. Don't know if that made things clearer or more muddy.

Comment Re:Move to another ISP? (Score 1) 173

I'm also in the same situation as you are. Telstra port and Internode ADSL2+ although I get a 19mbit sync. Have to say I have been with Internode for years and haven't had a problem with them. Love all the "free" and fast content.

I think it's preaching to the choir here though. If you can get off Bigpond you should if not the rest of us will pray to the Flying Spagetti Monster for your souls.

Comment Re:Great.. (Score 1) 208

Well it doesn't take an extra power adapter.. I really don't mind what it is but something that actually has a bit of power would be nice. Also I run my HTPC on Linux so I'm not sure those fancy audio features are working yet on the ATI drivers, and what about hardware decoding?? I currently have a 8400GS ticking away in my system quite nicely, not really much good for anything but decoding..

Comment Re:Ohh noes.... (Score 1) 122

I actually tend to use something like this rather than change ACLs:

set oShell= Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

objFSO.CopyFile "u:\scripts\test.vbs", "C:\temp\test.vbs"

oShell.Run "runas /noprofile /user:domain\administrator ""%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /C wscript c:\temp\test.vbs"""

WScript.Sleep 100

oShell.Sendkeys "password~"

Wscript.Quit ()

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