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Comment Re:non-Oracle ZFS FTW (Score 1) 113

ZoL is why I moved to OpenIndiana. The performance was terrible, even without dedupe or compression turned on I was getting maybe 10MB/sec writes. Same pool under OI runs at an appropriate 120MB/sec, no changes other than OS. Mind you, this was over a year ago, so maybe they've fixed the performance issues.

With the departure of the lead OI dev, I may have to start looking for a new ZFS capable OS.

Comment Re:Good for Ubuntu and Some Users (Score 1) 273

Do you not think that Amazon will attempt to link queries to individual users? Were I them, I know I would.

Not only that, but what if I like the feature generally so I leave it enabled, does anyone really want their searches for "herpes medication schedule" or "Erectile dysfunction log" to be sent upstream?

Comment Re:WTF is SCADA then? (Score 5, Funny) 104

Where's the lazy editing? It's not like this is the first SCADA story on /.. Are we going to start defining every non-everyday term in a summary?

"Researchers have identified a hole (an overlooked security concern) in the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol a system of information transmission that aids in reliable data transfer) layer (a metaphorical layer in a sandwich of other layers each of which pertain to certain elements of the network stack (the combination of hardware (physical parts of a computer) and software (the computer code that resides on a computer's storage that makes up a computer program) that allow a computer to /talk/ to another computer over a network)) of Windows (a computer operating system (a complex computer program that coordinates and translates software requests into hardware actions))."

Comment Re:LTE is very old news (Score 1) 83

I guess that's probably the real issue, 3G saturation I mean. Where I am I get 7-10Mbps on 3G, the LTE phones I've seen are 12-15; 1 vs 6 is huge for sure, so I can see it being huge in very crowded markets; 10 vs 15 isn't so important when Instagramming or watching a YouTube video on the bus to justify the battery drain, in my eyes.

Comment Re:LTE is very old news (Score 4, Interesting) 83

I understand why the plebs are so anxious for LTE, but I don't understand why nerds are. For a moderate speed boost in most cases (+/-5Mbps in real world) there's such a drastic (6+ hour) cut in battery life.

Does anyone really need to prove they're right about who did the original voice for Boba Fett that quickly?

Comment Re:The Devil we Know... (Score 2) 79

Thanks for illustrating the problem with a US dominated internet. The US only domains are .GOV for the US government, .MIL for the US Military, .US for American sites, and .EDU for American educational institutions.

America can control those, but you're not allowed to dictate what happens outside your domains. If, like Megaupload, I have servers in your country you're allowed to confiscate those. You can block my site in your borders. You can try to take me to court. But what the fuck gives you the right to silence me in countries where your jurisdiction is null?

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