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Comment Re:This happened to me (Score 1) 210

I'm relatively sure this is more likely the cause than anything else. A few times when I've opened a LinkedIn email invite or something akin, I've been prompted to sign in on a page that looks like a LinkedIn login page. After getting told I used the wrong password, I realized that actually the page was saying "Let us SIGN IN to your email and scrape contacts."

I'm sure it would've spammed all the no contacts I have on that email account, and I thought it was pretty scummy of them to make the "access your email" page look almost exactly like the "sign in to LinkedIn page."

Comment Checking where it's shipped from... (Score 1) 125

But Richard Hershman, vice president of government relations at the National Association of College Stores, points out that if a student has textbooks sent to her home state and ships them back from a different state where she attends college, Amazon could easily note the new shipping location.

I'm sure Amazon will start tracking this shit. Does Amazon give a fuck where a return was sent from? Do they even look? I'm sure everything gets dumped by the truckload into their return centre by FedEx or UPS or whomever, and that's the end of anyone giving a shit about shipping in that process.

Comment Re:Screw You Obama (Score 1) 531

If you're not interested in making progress, why should anyone give a shit about the election rigging or journalist killing?

You seem to think that fixing government human rights abuses is probably a good thing, so we're apparently on the same side. You're just proving my point by saying you're uninterested because the exact focus of 'my' movement isn't the exact same as yours. Splintering off into a hundred laser-focused groups accomplishes nothing.

Unless your only mission is to get people to admit they don't know everything about everything, in which case, good luck accomplishing anything on either side of the divide.

Comment Re:Screw You Obama (Score 1) 531

Oh, for sure. But the thing about it is, even without understanding the whole issue, a movement can make great progress if they have enough people that for one reason or another buy into it.

The conservative attack on climate science is a perfect example of this. 90% of the people arguing against climate science have no idea what they're talking about, the other 10% just don't care that they're wrong. Somehow, despite the fact that they're all ignorant about it they've managed to get some kind of public debate about the legitimacy of the science going. They've been able to do this by ignoring the fact that some of them are advocating for nuclear energy, some people want more drilling, some people want more clean coal, some want to power the world by burning small children, some people think that melting ice caps aren't an issue, some people think that it's natural, some people think whatever. All of them have decided that their way of doing things doesn't matter, as long as we all understand that worrying about climate change is stupid.

Comment Re:Screw You Obama (Score 4, Insightful) 531

This is a perfect example of why left-wing politics are so unsuccessful. We need to stop trying to one-up each other, and focus on making whatever change is possible. If there is pressure on Russia for Pussy Riot or their anti-gay laws, and that pressure is maintained, there's a chance of changing those things. If we all start whinging about 'why don't you start caring about something else!' then the pressure drops, nothing changes; 500 voices yelling different things are a lot easier to tune out than 500 voices yelling the same. Just because the progress isn't aimed at what you, and many other people (myself included), feel is a bigger issue doesn't make it wrong.

Causes need people and momentum, splintering movements destroys them. Just because it's not guided at the worst of the worst doesn't mean that the human rights violations against Pussy Riot ok.

Comment Re:In other words ... (Score 1) 54

Patched code in AOSP, not patched binaries for devices. Your GNex does not get every update contributed to the AOSP source, it needs to be compiled and sent to your phone.

Currently, the GS4, HTCOne and anything running a CM based ROM has been patched for sure; I'm not aware of what the status on anything else is because I don't care.

Comment Re:No one uses their backyard anymore? (Score 1) 445

When I'm hanging out on the back deck drinking a beer or BBQing, the last thing I want is a gigantor floodlight attracting even more bugs, blocking the night sky, and generally being super bright and annoying. An outdoor lamp, maybe some candles as others have suggested, that's about it.

Why do you need daylight at night?

Comment Re:I hope this fails spectacularly (Score 1) 113

I just find it depressing that in the wake of stuff like the #1reasonwhy thing on Twitter, and a boatload of gaming sites really attacking sexism lately, a game that exemplifies what's being criticised is receiving front page attention all over the place.

Thanks for the comment on my site! Nice to know people do occasionally read it. :)

Comment I hope this fails spectacularly (Score -1, Troll) 113

We've finally begun a dialogue about sexism in video games, finally started to create female characters (aside from Samus and a few other notable exceptions) that aren't just trophies, finally started to move away from the ridiculous adolescent focus of games and now we're remaking one of the most ridiculous teenage jackoff fantasy games?

For fucks sake, these games were never good. They were the first games a lot of us played because we were ignorant, awkward, sex starved geeks. We don't need to perpetuate this aspect of nerd culture.

Comment Re:PEP20 (Score 1) 381

The concept seems more difficult than the implementation in that case, which I don't think is the point of those lines.

I always looked at those lines as don't do result = d.x(y + l.u(v[i[m + 4*t.base(vvv)]])) when you can instead spread it out over a few more lines and make it more readable, less Perly. Either way, you're still going to need the logic figured out, but one is easy to explain and figure out at a glance, while the other is a bunch of back and forth and what the fucks.

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