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Comment Obviously.. (Score -1, Flamebait) 155

Because of course, no one would protest against the proven prospect of

poisoned ground water
FLAMMABLE tap water

until some other company with vested interests got involved.

Hell even if it's true, I really don't mind where the money comes from the net result would be better for everyone but the greedy. Everyone should be investing in renewables anyway, especially solar, as it rapidly heads towards parity

Submission + - Slashdot beta sucks 9

An anonymous reader writes: Maybe some of the slashdot team should start listening to its users, most of which hate the new user interface. Thanks for ruining something that wasn't broken.

Comment Re:Citations? They need to be sued heavily (Score 1) 507

I don't know any statistics but I certainly think people find them very useful where they are in London, (Holborn for one).
It gives people a chance to rethink dashing over the road at the last moment, as they can really see how long that last moment is going to be (though there will be a slight delay after the timer has finished I'm sure.
They show a numeric countdown (15 seconds if I remember correctly)

Still it doesn't help stop all the London drivers who seem to think that it's the slower party who should always get out of the way, rather than they that should slow down or even stop for an obstruction that is right in front of them.

But overall I think they've probably prevented a lot of accidents.

Comment Win for common sense. (Score 1) 221

Maybe they realized they actually wanted to sell a few. Certainly I believe there is a huge market who only buy because they think they'll sell the product on again later to get some money back, even if they never get actually round to it.
And those that do... many re-invest what they make back into buying newer games.
Thinking a £40+ item may be a dud that can never be resold is seriously going to put people off.
Those that are happy to wait months to years to buy second hand because a title is too expensive, will STILL wait months to years to buy the title when it's in the bargain bin instead of paying more for something they don't think is worth it to them.

I don't believe they'll ever stop piracy, and killing second hand sales would push those less well off to either forgo entirely and look to other forms of entertainment, or consider piracy. Either way, reducing sales.

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