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Comment gun site? (Score 1) 340

Since you got all this info about guns posting on /., maybe you should try asking the tech question on a gun site? Let me know if you need an IT guy with sailing experience to help set it all up and go along and maintain it. (It would be cheaper to bring me along vs. fly me in)

Comment Taking care of yourself (Score 1) 168

I applaud them for taking care of themselves, and not looking for or expecting a handout. I think we should have free hand outs on mars. Load up a rocket with all the people who want free handouts, then top it off with lawyers, and fire them off at Mars. When that call comes "Earth, this is mars 1. Do you copy?" We just have to go "Kssschhhhssss Mar 1 kssscchhhhh break-shhhhhhh up"

Comment Watching less TV (Score 1) 502

I cut the cord years ago. The few shows I like I watch online, and like others say, if they start charging or making it too much of a pain to watch, I will just go without. Most of the time when I'm at a friends house that has cable/sat, I surf through and find nothing of interest on. So when I'm bored it just means I have to find something more productive and fulfilling to do then sit on the couch and watch whatever crap the media companies are trying to shovel down my throat this week. I like hulu a lot, and noticed they started taking back episodes offline. It's a shame because sometimes I show somebody a show they haven't seen before (like 30 rock) and can't show them more because of network greed. I think that now that anybody can host a TV show on the internet, their empire is falling, and they're going to try and squeeze every last drop out of it before it falls.

Comment Ergo keyboard ftw (Score 1) 425

I taught myself how to type. The biggest thing that helped me was getting one of those natural keyboards with the hump in the middle. I got one at one of my early jobs because I was afraid of having carpal tunnel issues--and when I first started using it my hands would actually collide in mid air because my fingers were all over the place. I quickly adapted to keeping my hands on their respective sides, and eventually dumped the natural keyboard and my typing is better for it. I type about 100-120 wpm.

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