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Comment Re:Hey Nintendo, how about games for the Gamecube? (Score 1) 71

I guess what I'm asking is where is all the "revolutionary" stuff they promised us for the Gamecube? It just seems like they think they made a mistake with the Gamecube and are more worried about the new machine; the system never really seemed to hit it's stride the way all their last machines did, especially the 64. It just seems like they really dropped the ball on it. As for Metroid, it just seemed like a MOTS game to me. Ya, it had those new things you talked about, but it just wasn't enough to seperate it from the first one. It was more like a part 2. My bad on Zelda; someone had told me that it was coming out for the new system and not GC. Need to check my sources before mouthing off.

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