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Submission + - Attempts to Supress HD-DVD Revolt

fieryprophet writes: "An astonishing number of HD-DVD encryption key releated stories have gone MIA, in many cases along with the digger who submitted it. As a result, many in the digg community are becoming disillusioned with the "democratic" news site and retaliating in clever and inventive ways. Search digg for HD-DVD song lyrics, coffee mugs, shirts, and more for a taste of the rebellion."

Submission + - Digg losing control of their site

Fo0eY writes: The folks at have let the social news genie out of the bottle, and now they can't control it. Since the HD-DVD encryption code was discovered and published, readers at Digg have been repeatedly submitting stories with the 16 digit hex code in the titles and bodies. Just as quickly as these posts crawl up the Digg charts, admins seem to be deleting them.
United States

Submission + - Operation: Bite - US plans sneak attack on Iran

Elenthalion writes: Russian intelligence has warned the the U.S. is planning an April 6th sneak attack (code named "Operation: Bite") on Iranian military and nuclear research targets. Online Journal has the article. If this goes through without congressional approval, it would embody an unconstitutional act of war. Iraq comparisons aside; our government is planning to launch a 3rd war front.

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