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Comment Re:Big Brother Is In The Building (Score 1) 706

It's not an article about Schmidt releasing some new antiprivacy system, it's just a point he's making that the internet makes your past easily accessible to everyone forever. Hell, it's more Facebook than Google who's responsible. But no. Feel free to shoot the messenger.

Is it really Facebook that is to blame? It just seems that everything ends up on the Internet these days. Even stuff that predates the www is put on the net. It freaked me out to find something I did in the early 90s on YouTube.

Eventually we're all going to have to learn to be open minded about other people's pasts and "private" lives.

Comment Re:Password aging isn't in touch with the real wor (Score 1) 497

Here in reality, forcing people to change their password every 30 or 60 or 90 days only has a few possible results:

(1) A lot more people writing down passwords and sticking them to their monitors. Who the hell can remember a new eight-digit string of nonsense every month?
(2) A lot more easy-to-guess passwords
(3) Incremented passwords (FuckTheSecurityGuys14)

Oh, I was using a script to flush the password history by randomly changing the password until my old password was good again. :)

Comment Re:1 day ago (Score 1) 152

AFAIK this scanning thing is a trial only for a small community. At least for now. But it's not April Fools, that's for sure.

Finnish postal service already provides a service for companies, institutions, etc. to send mail electronically to the postal service, who print out the stuff and deliver the snail mail to the end clients. This probably does save a bunch of CO2, and makes life easier for said companies.

NetPosti you refer to is an interface for receiving such mail electronically, opting out of the snail mail part altogether. Possibly the scanning service uses the same interface.

The scanning service mostly sounds insane to me, but I could imagine someone already using NetPosti wanting to archive everything there. (Like images of the 20 euros your grandma sent you. Eh.) I guess the people would still receive the snail mail, but maybe in batches once or twice a week instead of every weekday.

Comment Re:A couple of things (Score 1) 511

Some of the reasons I still use paper:

Some counterarguments, if you don't mind! ;)

Off-line use. I can refer to paper copies and make notes on them even when I'm not around the computer.

This is actually a pretty good reason. Making notes on paper is pretty handy.

Audit trail. Most document-management systems and e-mail systems have document retention policies that're under someone else's control. Sometimes I need to control copies of the documents independently of company policies (eg. anything related to HR, records that might prove inconvenient for management later (like my detailing of exactly why something they want to do is a Bad Idea), etc.).

I might not fully understand you here, but I don't really see why you couldn't accomplish this without making paper copies.

Change control. Many times documents can be changed in the computer and, while it records that there was a change, there's no record anymore of what the document said before the change. The paper copies in my drawer can't be changed and I can pull them out to prove that yes that was what was originally specified.

What is wrong with just saving a copy someplace else?

Space. My desk's a lot bigger than the computer monitor, and I can lay out a lot more papers and diagrams on it than I can have visible on the monitor at one time. Very useful, that.

Get a big monitor. They're cheap these days. Use virtual desktops. That way you can handle much more than the desk ever could. And you can easily switch between cluttered virtual desktops, unlike real ones.

Reliability. I don't have to worry about the contents of my desk drawers and noteboard going *poof* when a system upgrade goes south and it turns out the restore process requires things IT can't afford to do.

You know, if my house went down with flames, I'd still have plenty of data around. It'd be all the physical things that I'd lose.

Comment Re:Erasable paper (Score 1) 511

Paperless office is probably never going to happen; paper is just too convenient.

The problem trying to be solved isn't lots of paper though, it's the environmental effects of printing and throwing away lots of paper.

I disagree. I am mostly paperless at work, and environment is not the main reason driving me to that. Paper is just *not* convenient. All the documents keep changing constantly, there's no point in printing them out. Where I work, you can't really leave all the paper lying around, either, for security reasons. Secure disposal of paper is a pain, too. One of the reference manuals is thousands of pages, who'd want to print that? You can't even search in the paper version.

Mostly I'd say it's about old habits that die hard.

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