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Submission + - Compiz and Beryl teams consider merging

mu22le writes: The Compiz and Beryl teams are discussing a merger. Posts on the Compiz forum and Beryl mailing list indicate that the projects are discussing how to execute a merger and work together to deliver a single compositing window manager to give "bling" to the Linux desktop. Beryl forked from Compiz last year, at the time, the Beryl developers said that the split was amicable but necessary because the two projects had different goals. Now it looks like the projects have found common ground.

Submission + - YouTube bans makers of the Blashphemy Challenge

Da_Weasel writes: If you followed the YouTube censorship and deletion of of Nick Gisburne's account after he posted quotations from the Quran, here's another slap in the face to freedom of expression. The Rational Response Squad, of Blasphemy Challenge fame, has had their account suspended by YouTube. No explanation yet why the account was suspended.

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MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.
