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Comment Re:Adam Smith is Outdated (Score 1) 353

Further, many times those countries are cheaper because they lack regulations that keep us safe and healthy. They may have 60-hour work-weeks in asbestos-festered offices or work with dangerous chemicals and pollution in factories. It's unfair if we have to compete with regulations that they don't have.

Or, they're a country like Brazil. Their buildings may not be as nice, but they don't have 60 hour work-weeks or asbestos-festered offices or work with dangerous chemicals.

Heck, in fact, whenever I visit with coworkers there, they always feel bad for me: the workweek is shorter and they have better vacation time.

Comment Re:iPod, iPhone, then what? (Score 1) 371

Sorry, but since when in the last few years have you gotten excited by the new Intel product inside the Mac?

For me, the minor version bumps are irrelevant and predictable. The things like the iPhone, MacBook Air, new MacBook form factor are much more exciting.

Getting excited over the new Intel processors is something that Dell does. Making customers drool over the new look of the MacBook and want to buy it is what Apple does.

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