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Comment Re:"or religion" (Score 1) 834

The GP wasn't saying anything about racial slurs or straw man arguments and "Don't attack the messenger if you cannot refute the message" isn't straw man -- it's ad hominem.

In most religions the religion itself defines what behavior is allowed if you're an actual adherent and not just paying lip service to it and so it would very much so be important to many debates even without being the topic of the discussion.
Just look at any american discussion of homosexual relationships. You have religion, which is a choice, (or at least religion influenced values) affecting the opinions of people with regards to sexual orientation which is probably not a choice.
Though honestly I'm not sure religion is a choice given that there is some research that says that the religion condition is partially tied to genetics.

More on topic: This article seems a bit facile to me (maybe pointless would be a better word.)
It might as well say "the way to stop wars would be for everyone to be nice to each other."

People shit talk and harass each other constantly -- online and off. Sometimes in jest, sometimes in anger, sometimes in affection.
Shaming people who do any of that to females should also need to shame anyone who does that to anyone and I just don't see that happening.
In my opinion the line between offensive harassment and normal behavior is too blurry for it to happen. And I'm not sure if 'shame' is really a healthy tactic culturally.

The best we can do is to try to be the best people we can be and try to influence our kids to not be dicks and hope they become better people than we are.

Comment Re:That's great and all but... (Score 1) 399

The definition of male and female can get rather murky when you really start looking at the variety of people out there.
There's a reason that the olympics uses testosterone levels and not whatever sexual organs you may (or may not) have.

Granted the pool of astronauts is a lot smaller so it probably doesn't matter that much but it would suck to be that one small 'male' astronaut with a low metabolic rate that wasn't even considered because the astronaut shows up in a database as having a penis.

Comment Re:Will this internet of things die already? (Score 1) 103

The worst part is when the repair guy can't even figure out what the problem is.

You would think in a modern world that it would be pretty simple to add some relatively inexpensive sensors to help with diagnostics.
I saw one slashdotter replied with a 3rd party vendor for that but I imagine it also comes with a silly monthly fee for monitoring.

Comment Re:And they wonder why I block ads... (Score 1) 226

As a developer if you use 3rd party javascript libs (like jquery) it can be really smart to use a popular CDN instead of locally hosting because it decreases load time as it's likely already in the user's cache.
Of course it's also smart to load a backup locally hosted version if the CDN version fails.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 4, Insightful) 105

Given that it can only be transferred through bodily fluid I don't think it's really that big of a risk to treat patients in the states. We have isolation wards for a reason.

My impression is that the whole reason it's even spreading in Africa is because of the culture there -- people don't trust the doctors and bad burial practices and lots of ignorance and superstition.

Comment Re:Mean seems like a poor choice of average (Score 1) 98

Yeah, median would probably be a better 'average' but I think a heat map in general would be better.

And interestingly enough the map looks very similar to a median household income map.
It doesn't show maximum available internet speeds per area or something more interesting like price per megabit in an area.

To me it just shows that poor and/or rural people tend to have slower internet speeds. Big surprise.

Comment Re:It always backfires... apk (Score 1) 206

Japan seemed to work out alright; South Korea did too. Puerto Rico almost became a state, could still.
California and Texas became states though I'm not sure they'd qualify as occupations.

Mexico could be doing better but I wouldn't count it as a hostile nation.
I don't think the Philippines is hostile.

More recently Serbia is almost an EU member. I guess there hasn't been as good of a track record post-WW2 given Vietnam and the various Middle Eastern wars.
Mostly the US seems to fail at converting strong communist(?) or Islamic countries into friendly nations.

Comment Re:What a shame, but... apk (Score 1) 206

The USA arguably wouldn't exist if the French, the Spanish, and the Dutch hadn't helped out in the American Revolution.

American interventionism has had a lot of failures but interventionism as a policy doesn't always turn out poorly.

Consider how different history would be if everyone subscribed to the "let asian boys handle asian problems" mentality. I don't think it would be a change for the better.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 4, Insightful) 138

I agree that people have a legitimate, reasonable right to have their private lives kept private.
I don't agree that public information on the internet that is indexed by Google constitutes private information.

I can see a situation where someone illegally put your private information on the internet and you send a C&D and then get a court to order that website to remove that information and they comply and THEN you ask Google to remove it from search results (assuming it doesn't automatically get removed the next time the index is updated.)
Maybe the website is in a different country and doesn't comply and you want Google to take it down.
Then maybe I could understand an argument for a process to remove private information from Google.

But if you post naked pictures of yourself on a forum or advocate cannibalism on twitter then tough luck. That's no longer private information as you just published it to the world.
It's not like removing the information from their index without removing it from an actual website is going to make the information 'private' again.

Comment Re:Democrats voted (Score 4, Insightful) 932

Voters end up with the exact same number of choices in the general election: two.

The party system itself is the issue there -- not open or closed primaries. The way to give more choices would be to do away with "primaries" and have every candidate on the general election ballot and have runoffs or a different method of voting (like a ranked system).

There are of course trade-offs for doing that.

Comment Re:Timothy McVeigh (Score 1) 449

Or maybe he's just REALLY angry after being in prison for two years?
Can you even imagine yourself in an American prison for that long and what that might do to you?

Not that it validates anything he says but I wouldn't call him a douche based on that little bit of information.
He's probably a douche for all of the trolling he's done before now though.

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