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Comment Re:Obligitory Minority Report comparison. (Score 1) 806

News @ 11:


Posting under the Slashdot alias, one Jacob Sims, aka, made inflammatory remarks to the University of Minnesota Campus Police and a certain "Professor Dipshit." Following this, Mr. Sims was found bound and gagged, bent over a park bench with a sign hanging about his neck stating: "Free ride for the po-po."
We would post photos, but... well, please think of the children.

Comment Re:is it really that bad? (Score 1) 316

Me: This can't be any worse than Manos: The Hands of Fate without being MST'd, right?

Friend: Probably not. I mean, they didn't even have credits for Manos.

Episode IV 1/2

The Star Wars Holiday Special

Han Solo and Chewbacca are on their way to the Wookie planet of Kashyyyk to take part in Life Day when they...


Me: Maybe these guys should have learned from Manos?

As a complete form of self promotion, it's available on Google Video, but I have it embedded here.

Comment Re:Have you seen a Linux desktop in the wild? (Score 1) 412

I've seen one guy since 2004... he got sick of pirating XP, so he jumped to Ubuntu.

Besides that, I knew one guy about six years ago who ran Linux extensively in his house for desktop use (he ran Tao Linux before having to back out due to time constraints). Of course, he also had me rebuild an OS 9 box so his kids could play some educational games so read what you want there.

Comment Re:Well, (Score 1) 241

Waa-waa-waa... adding another character and a couple other non-essential items is not a big deal. Hell, it doesn't even correspond to your argument for the most part.
If you want to see some real bullshit, grab Final Fantasy IV: The After Years from the Wii Store... you don't even get the goddamn ending!

Comment Re:Honestly: be honest, and stick together as a te (Score 1) 1146

What's so bad about not wanting to deal with someone's reaction? I'm sure they don't tell you the sex sucked right after you're done

Yes they do... then you have to do it again. See? Sometimes being honest is good!

... just as you probably don't tell them it's the arse that makes them look fat not the jeans.

You bet your ass I do... of course, this means I'm the "Best Friend" who goes on clothes shopping trips now, though...

Comment Re:August (Score 1) 1146

And lastly do not hint at something unless you really really don't care if you get the desired result. Expecting someone else to understand if they really loved you is just plain idiotic. When you hint around at something you are setting your partner up for failure. It'll frustrate you and them when it doesn't work out so just politely ask for what you want and say what you feel and think when it's appropriate to do so, but do not hint.

I'd like a blowjob, is all I'm saying...

Comment Re:August (Score 1) 1146

This is a decent first year marriage list, but as with all things, there are shades of gray that develop the longer you are with someone.

1: Never go to bed angry. Actually, never go to bed angry at your spouse -- you can be pissed off at the dog all you want; just make sure they know you aren't pissed at them.

2: Find a few minutes to connect with your wife every day. This is a good statement followed by mushy crap. Instead of saying variations of, "I love you," actually try doing something with her. Go for a walk, catch a movie, cook dinner together, etc.

3: Never say the word divorce. Unless you guys are discussing ways to get tax breaks... (this goes back to the whole, "Laugh Your Way to a Good Marriage" thing someone mentioned above)

4: Agree with each other that when you're having an argument which gets particularly heated, it is ok for either person to walk out of the room, and the argument can just wait until tempers have cooled down a bit. Let me sum this up: "Agree that you can walk away from an argument."

5: Always put your wife first. This is true up until they stop putting you first. This is a point of mutual respect and once that respect is lost for whatever reason, you need to sit down together and get it back. For example, you're a gamer, she isn't. Invariably she *will* get you to stop playing games and do something like watch TV instead. This is a breakdown of this rule on both sides -- if you're a gamer, there is nothing wrong with that, but there needs to be compromise from both parties. It can't be all one-sided.

And two of my own additions:

6: It's almost more important that you *LIKE* each other than love each other. The moment you stop liking your spouse is the moment you start going downhill.

7: Compromise. You have to if you want to stay together. This dove-tails nicely with #6 here.

Comment Change careers... (Score 1) 902

'nuff said...


There seems to be two schools of thought on this:

1: "Be honest, direct, and helpful. Make sure they know you are working hard blah blah blah..."
2: "Listen you f*cking cretins, I don't have time to help you look for your pr0n or work on your goddamn spreadsheet problem (how about you don't lock it next time)! I have mission critical sh*t to take care of so f*ck off!"

On their own, neither one seems to work well in the long run. However, supplementing either ideology with copious amounts of alcohol, anti-depressants, and first person shooters should keep you sane enough to make it another four years.

Good luck with that...

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