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Comment Re:Not legal here. (Score 5, Funny) 286

My father was a lawyer, we used to go on road trips to fight the speeding ticket we got on the last road trip.

My favourite defence was the calibration log. "Manual says it has to be calibrated at each shift, do you have records showing it was calibrated on the morning of _______? Nope? Thanks, have a nice day."

And then we'd sit in the back and watch every other defendant use the same questions and get let off :)

Comment Re:Somebody's got to say it (Score 2) 2987

I won't pretend to know everything about guns, but I'll give it a shot.

- No burst fire of any rate. You have to pull the trigger for each bullet
- No high capacity clips. 5-10 rounds ought to take down any deer.
- Only long-barrel rifles should be allowed, since that's all you need for hunting
- I'm from Canada, I have no problem with not being able to carry around a handgun everywhere. I know that's going to be a bigger issue for the US so allow them for now. Everyone I know with a concealed carry permit is a responsible gun owner, it's probably not the worst idea.

How's that sound?

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
